Over the past several weeks we have been looking at the correlation between our blood and salvation. We’ve talked about how blood must travel through the correct pathways, and how we must remain on the path that leads to life. We talked about how red blood cells are needed to take oxygen to the body, and how we need to use our breath to proclaim Jesus to the world. Last week we looked at how white blood cells hunt down bacteria and anything else foreign to our body and kill it. They relate to salvation in that the blood of Jesus enters our body and hunts down anything that isn’t a reflection on him and replaces it with his reflection. Today we are going to look at life after the cleansing. 

Who Are You?

What do you do? Where are you from? Are you married or single? Do you have kids? How many? What do you like to do for fun? All of these questions and more are really asking who are you? So I ask you, “Who are you?” Think about it a minute before reading on. 

Seeing yourself the way that Jesus does is the key to living the abundant life Jesus promises. (John 10:10) We must believe what Jesus says about us. As long as we continue to believe lies about who we truly are, we are held in bondange. Jesus came to set the captives free, and free those who are oppressed. (Luke 4: 18-19) I believe we as Christians can be and are oppressed by our enemy. Satan and his demons whisper lies to us. We choose to listen and accept those lies, or reject them and replace lies with truth. 

What better way to keep Christians in bondage than to tell us lies about who we are? I know I have believed lies about myself in the past. As a result, I have been in bondage to those lies. I failed to live up to my potential in Christ. Now I work on discovering the lies I believe, and trashing them, replacing them with the truth that God says about me. I feel so free since beginning to declare truth about myself to myself! 

Who Does God Say I Am

What does God say about you? Below is a list of truths God says about you with corresponding verses. I encourage you to read through them. Any truth that feels wrong or foreign, look up the verse. Start declaring that truth everyday. Read the verse everyday. Soon, truth will replace the lies and you will see yourself the same way Jesus does.

I am forgivenLuke 7:48, Ephesians 4:32
I am a child of the kingEphesians 1:4-5, 13-14
I am a new creation2 Corinthians 5:17
I am no longer a sinnerEphesians 1:7
I have a new mind Romans 12:2Romans 12:2
I am at peace Galatians 5:22Galatians 5:22
I am no longer dead but aliveEphesians 2:1-5, Colossians 2:13
I have a destinyEphesians 2:10
I am powerfulActs 1:8, Ephesians 3:16
I am righteousRomans 8:10, Romans 5:18-19
I am loveGalatians 5:22
I am boldEphesians 3:12
I walk in a manner worthy of my callingEphesians 4:1
I am joyfulGalatians 5:22
I am confidentHebrews 4:16, Ephesians 3:12
I am goodGalatians 5:22
I am faithfulGalatians 5:22
I am equipped for every good work2 Timothy 3:17
I am made righteousEphesians 4:24
I am patientGalatians 5:22
I am acceptedRomans 15:7
I am strongEphesians 6:10
I have self controlGalatians 5:23
I am kindGalatians 5:22
I am freeGalatians 5:1
I am more than a conquerorRomans 8:37
I am healedMatthew 8:16, Mark 1:34, 1 Peter 2:24
I am gentleGalatians 5:22

Do You Believe It

That is quite an awesome view Jesus has of each of us. He definitely doesn’t see a “sinner saved by grace,” or “a dirty rotten sinner who isn’t worthy of his salvation.” Those are both lies common to many Christians. Jesus didn’t think you and I were unworthy of his death on the cross, even when he was in the process of dying. If he views us as worthy, who are we to say different?

The same goes with all those truths listed above. Jesus says I am bold, confident, and worthy of the calling he has given me. It took me a while to really believe those things about myself. As I stood in front of the mirror and declared those truths over myself, I actually started believing them. Now when the enemy tries to tell me the opposite, I know those thoughts are lies and immediately reject them. Satan no longer has the power to tell me I am not important and worthy. It’s so incredibly freeing! 

What truths do you need to believe? What lies have you believed about yourself? I encourage you to really chase after believing the truth of who Jesus says you are. Read the truth each day as you are getting ready. Looking at yourself as you proclaim truth is powerful. Then look back in a few months and see how much your mindset has changed!

Today, as I was getting ready, I decided to listen to this discussion about what happens when you are saved. This goes along well with what we are talking about today. It also goes well with a post I wrote last year. You are no longer your old self. You are made new and even have new DNA to show for it!