Originally posted 9/11/20

Last week, we talked about being a servant of God. How have you served God this week? How about others? I pray that you have found many opportunities to be a servant. 

The next role we are going to dive into in our ever deepening relationship with God is being a friend of God. It is important we see ourselves as more than just a servant of God. If being a servant was our only revelation of our relationship with God, then we would build a religion based on things we MUST do in order to be accepted and things we MUST NOT do, lest we risk punishment.  Sound familiar?  

If a servant is blind to what’s on the heart of the master, the friend is not. A friend gets to chat with his friend about shared interests and is genuinely interested in what’s going on with the other person. A friend gets to hear the plans of his friend and will come alongside to help when they need it. Friends come over to eat meals together, and back in the old days, the servants would also serve the friends. Friends laugh together and cry together and take care of each other’s kids. Friends bring you extra rolls of toilet paper during a pandemic! Friends pray with you and give Godly counsel. 

We are friends of God: 

John 15:12-15 (ESV) says, “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command you. No longer do I call you servants, for the servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all that I have heard from my Father I have made known to you.”

How does the relationship dynamic change when someone goes from a servant to a friend? A friend is someone to talk to, a companion, and there for you when you need them. They may do things that serve you, but it’s because they love you and want to help. There is no force involved. If they don’t want to or can’t do something you ask, they are free to say, “no”. Friends are people who choose to be in your life, simply because they love and care about you. A friend is someone you call when you want to grab a cup of coffee (or tea if you are like me). Friends are called on when things get tough and you need a shoulder to cry on. They are there to encourage you in bad times and rejoice with you in good times. Friendships should be valued and taken care of.  

What does it mean to you to be a friend of God? Notice Jesus said, “No longer do I call you servants, for the servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all that I have heard from my Father I have made known to you.” As friends of Jesus we have the privilege of knowing what he is doing, and we are free to work alongside him to accomplish his goals. It becomes our choice to hang out with Jesus and be in the know. We do the things Jesus asks us to do because we love him and care about his plans. We no longer are commanded what to do, rather we are told his plan and get to decide if we want to go along for the ride. Of course, if you are smart, you will agree because you know that any plan of Jesus’ can’t fail and is going to be the best path you could be on.

Can you see yourself as a friend of God? Are you able to just hang out with Jesus because you want to, not because you feel like you have to or it’s on your to-do list? I love to sit on my front porch and just be with Jesus. I tell him what is on my mind and then listen to what he has to say. I also spend a lot of that time just sitting quiet and asking him what he wants me to know. I spend time thanking him for all the beautiful songbirds he has placed in the trees around me. Jesus and I just chill out because I like to be with him as my very best friend. Do you “call” him to tell him the exciting news that just happened in your life? I’m sure I don’t have to ask if you “call” him when you are in a sticky situation and need help. I think that most people ask God for help when they are in big trouble! 

Jesus wants to not only be your master, but your friend as well. He wants you to hang out with him because you just like to spend time with him. I encourage you to just be still with Jesus, knowing he is the best friend you could ever have. Talk to him throughout your day, like you would your best friend. Maybe even tell him the exciting news before you call or text your friends and family.