Originally posted 10/16/20

I started this blog in January of 2020. I titled my first post “A Lot Can Happen in a Year.” I had no idea back in January how much different our world would look in just a few months. While the past six or so months have been trying to say the least, I believe that God is wanting to redeem this year for all of his children. I have been sensing since March of this year that God is going to make all things new. I first mentioned this in my post called, “I’m Making All Things New.” 

Here we are in October and things are still not “normal,” if we spend any time on social media or watching the news we see nothing but division on what feels like everything. Spending time and energy on social media started making me feel anxious and angry at things I can’t control. I found myself angry at people I have never met for making decisions that I would not have made.

About a month ago I heard the Lord ask me to get off social media altogether. As a daughter and servant of the Lord, I obeyed. I took the app for social media off my phone, and I must admit that since that moment, I feel so much more peace. Sure people in power are still making decisions that I don’t agree with. I know that there is still hatred and strife in our country. I know fear is still around because of this virus that has altered our world, and people react to others because of their fear. Reading people’s thoughts and hearing opinions does nothing to bring in the new things God wants to give us. Commenting on issues may do nothing, but prayer makes the impossible happen. 

I believe now is the time for action. If you are like me and wanting to see a nationwide, and even worldwide revival break out, then we need to act. In Acts 2, we see what it takes to bring a revival to our community. ‭‭Acts‬ ‭1:14‬‭(ESV‬‬) says, “All these (the disciples) with one accord were devoting themselves to prayer, together with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and his brothers.” (words in parenthesis mine). 

Prayer: The First Ingredient

I believe prayer is the first and most important ingredient to bringing revival to our world. All year I have heard people quoting ‭‭2 Chronicles‬ ‭7:14‬(ESV‬‬) “if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” Usually when I hear this quoted, the next sentence will be something like, “We need to get on our knees and repent for all the bad things that go on in our country.” Repentance is good, needed, and valuable, I think the key is that God’s people pray.

Prayer is so much more than asking for forgiveness for things we do wrong. Prayer is simply talking to our Father about things that are going on in our lives. We may need guidance and ask God to tell us which path is the best one. Maybe something awesome happened and we want to thank him for giving us such great gifts. Creating constant dialogue with our Creator will “Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.” Colossians‬ ‭3:2‬(ESV‬‬) 

Mindset: The Second Ingredient

Mindset is so important for us to be able to accomplish so many things. I am always telling my kids that they need to have the proper mindset when doing school, or anything that is difficult for them. I can tell when they decide that the task set before them is impossible. They have a distinct sound to their voice, position of their bodies, and look on their face. As their mom I instantly know that they have chosen the mindset of “this is impossible. I can’t do it.” It is then I remind them that they can be successful, and to make sure they believe they can do it too!

We have the only perfect Father, and he is able to do anything. Do you believe that God can heal our land? Believing God is able and actually wants to heal our land, is having the correct mindset. Remember Jesus tells us, “If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.” ‭‭John‬ ‭15:7‬(‭ESV‬‬) When we abide in Jesus by having an active and vibrant prayer life, he will form our mindset to be aligned with him. Then we can ask him for revival and healing and he promises to give it to us.

When we abide in Jesus, our mindset will change to be like his. We will repent of anything we do or think that doesn’t align with him. Repentance comes naturally in these times because we see through the eyes of Jesus instead of our own. With renewed vision we will see situations and others with perfect 20/20 vision. Then comes the final ingredient. 

Action: The Third Ingredient

Now we are in constant communication with our Father, and he has formed our mindset to be like his. What’s next? Next comes action. We can’t just sit at home filling ourselves up to overflowing and keep it all to ourselves. We must get out in the world and show others how to pray and have the mindset of God. Take a stand for truth, and lead others to the truth of who God says they are. We obey God first, and when he tells us to do something, we do it. It doesn’t even matter what others may say or think.

A great current example of a guy who is acting on what God has told him to do is Sean Feucht. God told Sean to go around the country and hold outdoor worship services. I believe he started in Portland and has traveled around the country to places such as Chicago, Sacramento, Seattle, and many more. The first weekend in October Sean came to Texas. He held one of these revival concerts in a town that is about 2 hours from my house. I felt led to go check it out, and I am so glad I made the trip. It was so awesome to see so many people gathered together outside to worship Jesus. There were several baptisms, which is always exciting! As I was there I felt like God was telling me that the revival I have been asking for has started. 

Call to Action

I believe it is time for God’s people to pray like we’ve never prayed before, in fact pray like our lives and the lives around us depend on it. It’s time we get our mindset to match the mindset of God, which means changing the way we think about situations that go on around us and responding like God would respond. It is definitely time to start showing and telling those around us about the amazing gift of salvation and the amazing life that we as Christians have the privilege of living. It’s time to take the message of the good news of Jesus to those outside the walls of the church. Stop waiting for the lost to walk into the church building, and take the church outside to the lost.

My family has done just that. A group of friends along with my family have started having church in a city park where we live. We go to the park and set up some tents and chairs, and we have church at the park. So far we have been met with lots of stares, but I know for sure that we see some of the same people week after week, and eventually their curiosity will get the best of them. We don’t have to chase people down. We just have to be available to them when they are ready to learn the truth. Regardless if they actually come up to us or not, they are still hearing worship music, a message, and lots and lots of prayer. 

We have already seen some fruit as a result of our prayers and action. Several people have been healed of physical conditions. We have led a few people to salvation, and just this past weekend one of those spectators came over to our tents and asked what was going on. They joined us for a bit before they had to go home. 

Now It’s Your Turn

I encourage you to start a revival in your hometown. Revival first starts with you! You begin praying, and praying, and praying. Get a prayer group started. You don’t necessarily have to meet everyday. If you choose once a week, great, just make it consistent.

While in prayer ask God to give you his eyes to see yourself, others, and situations through his eyes. Ask God to give you his mindset on things and choose to change the way you think about things when your thinking is different than God’s. Then act. Go live your life and take advantage of moments to share who Jesus is and how he has changed your life. Be bold! Be courageous. Remember what God told Joshua just before he led his people into battle with Jericho, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” ‭‭Joshua‬ ‭1:9‬ (ESV)‬‬