Originally posted 6/5/20

This past Sunday was Pentecost Sunday. I have been looking forward to that day for awhile now. Since Covid-19 became the topic of almost every conversation, social distancing became a thing, shelter in place became the way we could flatten the curve, I have been doing a lot of praying. Each time I pray for our nation I see the same vision. The meaning of my vision is clear, God’s spirit is stirring and a revival like never seen is coming. I was certain we would see something incredible and miraculous from God on Pentecost Sunday. Yet, the day came and went with no nationwide sign of revival. I have to admit I was disappointed. I asked God why a big revival didn’t start and I felt like he answered, “Revival has already begun. You just can’t see the fruit of it yet. Be patient. Keep your focus on me. Do what I have called you to do. The fruit will be seen.” 

What have we all been called to do? Pray. Acts 1:14 tells us exactly what the people were doing right before the first revival post cross happened. They devoted themselves to prayer. I believe  if we really want to see God’s spirit fill our nation, we need to devote ourselves to prayer. Prayer always precedes revival. Why? Because it is during prayer you are most focused on God and he is free to talk to you and teach you. Prayer makes room for the Holy Spirit to come and empower you to do the things God wants you to do, and can only be done when you are filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. 

When you are filled and walking in step with the Holy Spirit, people can’t help but notice. The day the Holy Spirit fell upon the people in the upper room, things changed. The people around them noticed they were different. In fact everyone around them thought these guys were drunk, but then Peter stands up in front of this huge group of people and proclaims that they aren’t drunk, but are fulfilling the prophecy spoken in Joel. This takes courage, something else the Holy Spirit empowers us to be. Peter would never have stood up and said all those things  except through the power given to him by the Holy Spirit. After all, just a short time ago we see Peter standing in a small group of people and adamantly denying that he knew Jesus. Now He stands up in a group of over 3,000 and tells all about Jesus and explains what was going on in that moment. Check out what he says in Acts 2:17-39. This Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit isn’t afraid of what others will think about him. Because of Peter’s boldness 3,000 souls went from death to life that day.

These 3,000 people started focusing on the things of God instead of the things of the flesh or our natural self, and their lives were forever changed. Romans 8:5-6 says, “For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit. For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace.” When we set our minds on the things of the Spirit, we see life and experience peace. 

How do we set our minds on the things of the Spirit? By praying and asking the Holy Spirit to fill our minds with his truth. Jesus calls the Holy Spirit the Spirit of Truth in John 15:26. Where the Holy Spirit is, there is freedom from fear, sickness, and division. Those are replaced with peace, health (physical, emotional, and spiritual), and unity. 

Things appear bad right now. There is fear and anger everywhere you go. The reason for the fear and anger may have different reasons, but the cause is clear. Fear and anger only come from one source, the devil. When we stop focusing on the things of the Spirit, like Romans 8 talks about, we start focusing on the flesh, which will always cause division, fear, anger, and ultimately death. Here’s the thing, Jesus loves you. Jesus loves the people who call themselves your enemy. Jesus died to make you whole. Jesus died to make your enemy whole. His desire is to hold each of you in his arms and cry with you when crying is needed and laugh with you when laughing is needed. 

My friend, Bill Vanderbush, drew a picture a couple of months ago that shows so perfectly how Jesus feels about each and every person. When he looks at you, he sees his beautiful child, who he willingly died for long ago. He desires you to crawl into his arms and be loved and protected. Jesus is the only answer to all the unrest in the world right now. Trust him and pray with me for the salvation of those who don’t know him. 

Is it possible that Jesus wants to use this time, when people are more fearful and angry than maybe anytime in recent history, to draw us all to him? Is it possible that we, as children of God, can be the tools to bring God’s peace and comfort to those who can’t see past the fear and anger in their hearts? I think so. We can only bring what we have. We can’t bring peace unless we are first filled with God’s peace. We can’t bring love and comfort to those who need it unless we are first filled with God’s love and comfort. The only way to be filled with God’s peace and love and comfort is to focus on the things of the Spirit, not on the things of the flesh. So go on and read your Bible, pray and ask God to fill you with his power. Then get out there, and give away what God has given you.

Let’s pray for the Holy Spirit to fill us so we can do those things that are impossible in the flesh to do, but are possible through his power. Let’s pray for our city to experience the love of the Father and experience the freedom to have peace, wellness, and unity. Let’s pray for our country to set their minds on the things of the Spirit, and experience true life.