This past weekend Brett and I went to a church conference in Houston, Texas. It was a three day conference with a Sunday service added at the end. I love having the privilege of spending a few days out of the year just focusing on Jesus and growing in my relationship with him. 

I went into this conference knowing it was going to make me leave my comfort zone. Before arriving, I decided I was going to push myself and just go with it. Growth is sometimes doing things that make you uncomfortable. Now, I am so thankful I decided to participate even when I felt like it was weird or something I wouldn’t normally do. I definitely feel that I grew in ways I didn’t know I needed growth. 

Taking The Land

The overall message of the conference was about taking the land God has promised you. We studied Adam and Eve in the garden and the Israelites taking the Promised Land. They taught us there is a difference between taking the land and occupying the land. You can own something but not steward it properly. Poor stewardship won’t benefit you or others the way it is intended.

They also talked about how the Israelites needed to be ready to take the land. The younger generation needed to be circumcised in order to take the land. During this time in history, circumcision was an outward sign that you were a follower of Yahweh. Today we need to circumcise our hearts to prepare us to take the land God has promised us. As a teacher, I always look forward to great teaching. We definitely had great teaching over the weekend, but the teaching wasn’t the best part. 

The Cleansing Prayer

The best part was an hour long prayer that created a shift inside me. This prayer was a cleansing of the bloodlines prayer. You see, just because you have given your life to Jesus and surrendered to him, doesn’t mean that the iniquity your ancestors committed has no effect on you today. Vows made, or just deals made with our enemy, can affect us today. We must break those agreements. The way this is done is by essentially filing a lawsuit in the courts of Heaven to exonerate us. It’s something that ends up making a huge difference in the life of believers. 

So, that’s what we did as a group. The pastor led a prayer that was a class action lawsuit to all bloodlines connected to the illuminati (aka, any and all bloodlines connected to schemes of the enemy). Honestly, I didn’t understand like 90% of what was said in that prayer. It was extremely technical. 

That’s What Faith Is

You remember how I said I decided to just go with things, even if they felt uncomfortable to me? This is one of those times I did just that. Although I didn’t understand all the technical verbiage in this prayer, I decided to just go with it by faith. Which, when you think about it, faith is agreeing to something you don’t really understand. According to Hebrews the definition of faith is “the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1). You may not understand exactly how the blood of Jesus can heal you or save you, but you go with it and agree to it based on faith. 

I agreed with this prayer because I knew I could trust the man who worked with Jesus to write this prayer. We do need great discernment as to what to come into agreement with. From things spoken over us by others or even ourselves, to agreeing to words prayed over us, we need to be careful. I never want to agree to anything that goes against what Jesus says about me. 

The Great Exchange

Near the end of this prayer, the pastor prayed that we would exchange our counterfeit inheritance and get our God given inheritance in return. I saw myself giving God a trash bag of stuff, and in return he gave me a huge truck full of stuff. I’d say that’s a pretty good exchange! 

When the prayer was over, I felt a lifting. It was truly like my system has been cleaned out and now works at a higher level. It’s like I walked through a door to a new world. I don’t know anything about this world, or what is going to happen. I do know that Jesus is here, and it’s going to be amazing! 

Sunday Morning

On Sunday, we had a time of testimony. The pastor invited us to come on stage and tell about what we experienced over the weekend. The Lord had given Brett a prophetic word to deliver to everyone, and I felt like I was supposed to tell about how the prayer made me feel. So we went up. Right as we got to the front, time ran out for the church service. Everyone decided they wanted to hear more so the service went late. 

Here is the word Brett spoke over everyone that morning: 

“We’re going to start with a great release of My power into the Church. You all will see it and experience it and be some of the first fruits of this new time. Impart it to others. Be very generous and liberal with your sharing of My gifts to you. They are contagious in a good way, and My healing will spread like a virus, a Heavenly virus! DNA will be repaired; people will be set free from bloodline curses. It’s all related.

The body, the soul, and the spirit: they’re all very interconnected. The dead-spirited will be rebirthed. The dead-souled will find restoration. The dead-bodied will rise again. The sick will be healed. People will be delivered and set free. This will be the best time of your life, and it will not be short-lived. We’re starting a multi-decade campaign of Heaven’s influence, leading to the culmination of the end of times.”

Needless to say, Brett and I are looking forward to attending this conference next year. We are hoping to bring some friends with us too!