The Truth About Covid-19 Treatments and The Covid-19 Vaccines  By: Cherise Best January 2022

For two years we have been told many stories about the dangers of the Covid-19 virus. What is the truth? Is there a proven treatment for when any of us gets the covid virus? Should we take the vaccines and subsequent boosters? What are doctors finding when they look at samples of these vaccines under a microscope? Are there side effects? If so, what are those side effects? I will answer these questions in the next few sections. I encourage you to read through the links and watch the videos. This will take you some time. I know by the end you will see what many powerful people have been trying to hide from you. 

Before We Start

The first thing you need to do before diving into all this information is to pray. Spend some time in prayer and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the truth to you. Ask him to show you the lies you have been believing. When you do realize any lie you have been deceived by, repent of it. Remember to repent simply means to change the way you are thinking about any given topic. When you were saved you repented from not believing that Jesus is your savior. You changed the way you thought about that and now you believe that Jesus is your savior. So it is with any other lies you believe. When the Lord reveals the lies you believe about any given topic, it is up to you to change the way you think of those things.

Remember to keep your mind open. Your enemy desires nothing more than to keep you in bondage any way he can. He is the father of lies and tries his best to keep you from accepting the truth. Satan doesn’t care what lies you believe. He just wants you to believe any lie that will keep you in his control fueled by fear. So now, stop reading this and go spend some time with the Holy Spirit. His guidance is the most important piece of the puzzle when untangling the lies perpetuated on you and the rest of mankind. 

Side Note: In order for you to really understand all that I’m saying, you will need to read all the articles and watch the videos. Also, if you click on one of the Rumble videos and get a page that makes you think it won’t load, wait for a minute. It is loading and will show you the video. I have no clue why it does that, but it kept happening to me when writing this document. Enjoy!

It’s All About Control

Before we get into the truth about the Covid-19 virus and vaccine, we need to lay the foundation. There is an entire group of people whose sole purpose is to control you. They use any means necessary to disrupt your life and cause anxiety. 

These people are merely puppets of Satan. Satan knows if he can keep people bound in fear, he can control them. Fearful people will do whatever they are told to stay safe (even if what they are being told to do actually causes more harm than protection). 

There are many puppets in this game of domination. Of course, there are those at the “top” who want to control all the rest of us. They use others to gain control of the masses. Who do they use? The media is the main group. These people pay huge amounts of money to have control of the narrative. We have seen this same narrative in action over the past two years. No matter what station you watched for a long time, you would see the death and cases count on the sidebar of the screen.

They have all parroted the same thing: Covid-19 will kill you if you get it, here’s how to avoid getting it (stay home, mask up and social distance), now we have a (magic) vaccine that will protect you from getting it, and they claim there is no other way of protecting yourself. Any other methods of curing this virus is shut down, and anyone who dares to ask any questions of their narrative is quickly silenced.

You Must Remain Scared

Satan wants you scared so he can control you. However, he needs other people to be under his control to accomplish this goal. Satan controls powerful people, who then fight to control those who they are supposed to be leading. It’s people like you and me who really end up suffering. However, truth will always win. Jesus is the truth, and he gives us the Holy Spirit to lead us to all truth. Satan’s plans always fail because he only has as much power as we allow him to have. When God’s people stand up to the lies and stop living in fear, Satan loses. 

What are ways these elites have been attempting to control you? For many years they used the framework of climate change to try and control humanity. They believe if they can reduce the population, then we will have less carbon dioxide and pollution. Thus the environment can be saved for these elites. You can watch Glenn Beck talk about how they have used climate change as part of their “new world order” agenda. 

The Great Reset

When Covid-19 was unleashed upon the world, these people used it to further their agenda of the Great Reset. There is a Catholic based news agency called The Remnant. In August of 2020 they came out with a video discussing the Great Reset. Remember this is before the election. They have other videos on this subject that are more recent. I encourage you to go look those up if you want to learn more. 

You can also read all about the Great Reset from this article I found. This goes into great detail about what the Great Reset is and what the end goal is. 

They are even talking about this Great Reset in Australia. “You will own nothing and be happy.” How does that make you feel? 

Where Did Covid-19 Come From

How did Covid-19 come to infect people? Who is involved in manufacturing this virus? When did it really start? These are some of the questions Glenn Beck answers in this 2 hour discussion. 

By now you should be opening your eyes to the fact that there are powerful people who want you dead. They believe the world is overpopulated and use their money and power to reduce the population. 

So this coronavirus has come upon us. Whether intentionally done or not, I cannot prove. If this was not planned, why did Fauci predict a “surprise outbreak” in 2017? Did you notice his mention of global involvement? Dr. Judy Mikovits poses the question, “Was this pandemic planned?” in her documentary, Plandemic

What Now

Regardless if this was planned or not, we find ourselves in the midst of a global pandemic as predicted by Dr. Fauci. What do we do now? Do we wait until we get it and hope we survive? Do we line up and get injected over and over and over again to try and protect ourselves from dying when we do get this virus? How about finding other medications that treat this virus? Why, by the way, have they not found any medication that will help people get over Covid-19 in the two years we have been dealing with this pandemic? Or have they discovered a treatment? If they have found a treatment, why is it being kept from us? Let’s see how many of these questions we can answer. 

First of all, we do not just sit at home worrying and fretting about getting this virus. God does not give you a spirit of fear. Instead he gives you a spirit of power, love and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). You have living inside you the power to live a life unafraid of this virus. 

Are Vaccines Needed

Do we line up to get injected over and over and over again? Absolutely not!  In fact, there is no reason to get another injection ever again. There are proven treatments that do cure people from Covid-19. I personally know dozens of people who have had Covid-19 and took these medications and got over it quickly and completely. 

Actually over the summer of 2021 my entire family was exposed and most of us all came down with Covid. (Everyone except my oldest daughter ended up sick). We do things everyday to help strengthen our immune systems, so it was a quick and mild sickness. My father-in-law also got it at the same time as us. He has many of the markers that the media tells us is sure to kill him if he got Covid. He did have a more difficult time getting over this virus than the rest of us. After going to the doctor, he was given a prescription for ivermectin, a steroid (Methyl Prednisolone), and took lots of vitamin D and zinc. Guess what? In just 2-3 days he was completely well. No lasting effects! 

What Are Treatments

This is very good news! It means that there are ways to combat this virus that don’t include so many injections. What are some of these medications? Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, vitamins such as C, D, and Zinc are among them. 

Dr. Simone Gold, MD, JD concluded in her white paper about hydroxychloroquine,

Why are these treatments being maligned and hidden from us? Could it be because of financial gain reasons? Does this sound fishy to you? 

People are starting to wake up to the realization that these treatments work. Are you starting to see the importance of these drugs in combating this virus? India has started using ivermectin as its line of defense. Aren’t those numbers amazing? Do they fill you with hope?

Another great medication that has been proven to work in helping those with Covid-19 is budesonide. Dr. Richard Bartlett tells some amazing stories of people on their deathbeds recovering completely. He did another interview on a Christian network talking about budesonide. 

What About Remdesivir

Perhaps you have heard remdesivir is effective and the best treatment for people diagnosed with Covid-19. Dr. Ardis talks about what remdesivir does to the human body and why it should NEVER be given to anyone long term. 

Even nurses are talking about the protocols given by hospitals. 

With all of this evidence, why are hospitals still refusing to prescribe patients these drugs? Why do people have to sneak these medications to their family members who are hospitalized? Furthermore, why are doctors being fired or being threatened to have their licenses revoked for trying to give their patients ivermectin instead of remdesivir?  

Does remdesivir and ventilation help or harm people with Covid-19? 

These treatments have been known by many doctors for a long, long time now. In fact the Frontline doctors first came out and discussed Hydroxychloroquine in July of 2020. How did the media react to this great news? If you recall, the media all came against using HCQ at all. Why would they come against a treatment many doctors across the country and world have said works on their patients in treating this virus? We will get to that in a bit. 

The Results Speak For Themselves

So we have all these great, cheap drugs that have been proven to cure people from Covid-19. I have many people I personally know who have great things to say about taking ivermectin, an antibiotic, vitamin c, d, and zinc as their way of combating Covid-19. Guess what! Every single person I know who has done that got over it quickly, and none of them were hospitalized.

The only person I know who did die with Covid is the husband of a new friend of mine, after he was admitted to the hospital. I am so sad I didn’t know them better then because he was given remdesivir and passed away. He was my age (40). I have also known friends or family members of friends with the same stories. There should be hardly anyone dying from this virus if they just had the ability to be given the proper medicine to treat this sickness. Also, if all of this doesn’t work, why are there so many members of congress being given ivermectin? 

Why Must EVERYONE Get The Vaccine

My question to you is this: why is the only “official” solution to get the Covid-19 vaccine? Why is it the vaccine or nothing? Why can’t anyone choose to not be vaccinated and get these medications if/when needed? Why can’t natural antibodies be good enough? What is with the big push to get EVERYONE, no matter their age, to get this vaccine? And if this vaccine is truly a vaccine, why is it not preventing people from getting the virus? Isn’t that the main reason anyone gets a vaccine? We inoculate ourselves and our children so they WON’T get the disease. Yet, millions of people have gotten these shots and are still coming down with the virus…

Remember when they were telling us the vaccine was 95% effective? Then it was, “Well, it doesn’t prevent you from getting the virus. You just won’t die or be hospitalized if you do get it.” Next, they started pushing a booster. A booster?? When has anyone ever needed a booster shot after less than a year? This all makes me wonder how effective these vaccines could possibly be when the narrative changes as quickly and drastically as it has in just a few, short months. 

Again, I ask, why the huge push to get EVERYONE vaccinated no matter what? What is their motive? Is it as they say, “To protect everyone against this ‘deadly’ virus”? 

What Is Inside These Vaccines

Next we are going to take a look at what is actually inside these vials. I encourage you to watch each of these videos. Ask yourself why some of these things would be in a vaccine. What is the purpose?  Remember to pray and ask the Holy Spirit to lead you to the truth. 

What Are Some Side Effects

What are side effects people are experiencing from these vaccines? 

Do You See It

As you can see, the side effects of these shots are horrific. Why would you want to take the risk of this happening to your body? Yes, death is also becoming quite prevalent in people who have taken these shots, but what is worse, death or some of these conditions people are being forced to live with for the rest of their lives? Now the government is pushing parents to get their kids “vaccinated.” Why do kids need a vaccine for a virus they aren’t likely to get, and even if they do get it, they almost always have a mild case. They almost never die from this virus. Can we say the same for them if they are subjected to this shot? 

We are a family of 5. In July of 2021 we were all exposed to covid. Four out of the five of us got sick. My oldest daughter, who is 14, never got sick at all. The other two kids both felt bad for about a day, and then were off playing and enjoying their summer (at home for a bit). My oldest daughter was exposed again at Christmas when she hung out with her cousin who got sick the next day, and still she didn’t get sick. 

What Is Happening To Kids Who Get The Vaccine

So, how do these shots affect kids and babies?

What Are Medical Professionals Saying

What are some reports from nurses?

  • Two Canadian nurses give their experience working with patients with covid. 
  • American nurse talking about what she has seen with people who have been injured by the vaccine. 

What doctors are saying:

What Is Their Motivation

I ask once again, why would the government come against a treatment many doctors across the country and world have said works on their patients in treating this virus? Why are they pushing this so-called vaccine on everyone? Could it be motivated by the desire to control all of us, as seen in the Glenn Beck lesson at the beginning? I have no doubt that is part of it. I also wonder if money could also be a motivating factor. After all, people do heinous acts all the time because money becomes their god. 

Follow the money:

  • Fauci funded the gain-of-function research for years. It is partly through his funding they created the Covid-19 virus. 
  • HCQ and Ivermectin are cheap to give out. “These are the stakes: a five-day treatment with remdesivir costs around $3,000. A five-day supply of generic HCQ costs around $10.”
  • Why is the US government earning money from the Moderna vaccine? 
  • Think about how much money these companies will lose if people take the cheap yet effective medication rather than injection after injection after injection. 
  • Follow the money and things just might get a bit clearer for you. 

Have You Already Gotten the Shot

If you are reading this, you likely have been deceived into thinking these shots are a good thing. You likely have already gotten at least two doses of these shots. What do you do now? Well, the first thing you do is repent. To repent means to change the way you think about something. You recognize you have been deceived and admit the way you were thinking is wrong. Thank God for showing you the truth and ask him to heal your body from any damage done by these shots. You also stop calling them vaccines.

As you have learned, these shots do not protect you against any virus. In fact, they make you more susceptible to getting the virus. Therefore, they cannot be called a vaccine. They are an injection of poison, and who knows what else, for the purpose of killing you, or at the very least causing irreparable damage.

So what now? Do you sit back and wait to see what damage you will eventually get from these shots? Do you live in perpetual condemnation for being deceived? ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! Romans 8:1 (ESV) tells you, “There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” Jesus doesn’t condemn you and neither do I. We all are susceptible to being deceived. It’s what we do with that deception once God opens our eyes to the truth. Do you hang onto the deception, or let go of the deception and hang onto the truth? I pray you do the latter. 

Prayer For Healing

‭‭I encourage you to pray this prayer out loud if you are ready to rid yourself of the lies you’ve believed:


I come to you as your child. I admit I have believed a lie. I repent from believing this virus is as deadly as the evil people have led me to believe. I repent from believing this shot would protect me. I know now that there are ways of healing my body from this virus, and I see clearly how dangerous these shots really are. Please forgive me for trusting in man instead of trusting in you for healing and protection. ​​I come out of agreement with all lies and deception related to covid and the vaccine. I stand on the truth that no weapon formed against me shall prosper, which includes weapons of covid and weapons of this so-called vaccination.

I break any and all vows related to my health or the health of my family I have spoken over us related to covid and the shot. Instead, I claim healing in both my body and my blood.  I claim supernatural health over myself and my family. I declare any damage done to my body by these weapons disguised as vaccines is undone in the name of Jesus. Thank you Jesus for healing my mind and body from the damage done by my enemy, Satan and his minions. Just as Moses lifted up the serpent for the Israelites to be healed in the desert, so I turn my eyes to you, Jesus, to be healed here and now.

I put my health in your hands and surrender my future to you and you alone. I will no longer allow the spirit of fear to control my thinking. For you have not given me a spirit of fear. You give me the spirit of love, power, and a sound mind. You give me the spirit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. I choose to walk in the fruit of your Spirit. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. 

Bonus Information

Additional articles and videos you might be interested in:

Who and why people are suppressing information on HCQ. 

HCQ study from other countries. 

HCQ treatment studies. 

Ivermectin treatment studies. 

Dr. McCullough talking about other treatments he has found that works to combat the virus. 

Frontline doctors talking about masks, look at the question “is the pandemic over?”, and protocols they have found that works in treating Covid-19. This was done on October 20, 2020. 

Doctor in Mississippi being fired for prescribing ivermectin.

Dr. Malone interview with Joe Rogan talking all things Covid and vaccine.

Dr. Madej follow up interview of the creature in the vaccine. 

Dr. Tenpenny educates us on the spike protein. 

Dr. Tenpenny talking about what the shots do to our body and what the endgame looks like. 

Websites you may want to explore:

America’s Frontline doctors

American Frontline nurses

Rumble is a great place to watch videos. I love the Stew Peters show, OAN is a good new network, and I really love watching Flashpoint. 


Gateway Pundit 

Red Voice Media

We Love Trump

People to look up:

  • Dr. Malone
  • Dr. Mikovits
  • Dr. Tenpenny
  • Dr. Ardis
  • Dr. Jessica Rose 
  • Dr. McCullough
  • Stew Peters from Rumble
  • Glenn Beck

This video was done in May of 2020. Dr. Tenpenny talks about what ingredients are in other vaccines. She also talks about what happened in animal trials for other coronavirus vaccines.