One of Satan’s descriptions is a deceiver. One of the definitions of deceiver is: “to make someone believe something that is not true”. Satan is very good at making people believe things that are completely untrue. Eve is the first person ever to be deceived by Satan. He led her to believe that God was holding out on her. He made her believe she wasn’t like God, and if she only ate the forbidden fruit, she would become like God. The thing is, she was already made in the image of God, and therefore, already like God. I can imagine that after she and Adam ate the fruit, the truth was revealed to her. The truth that now she wasn’t like God in all the ways she was before. There was something different about herself and Adam, and it wasn’t a good thing. 

Everyone Gets Deceived At Some Point

We all get deceived from time to time. Earlier this year I was deceived when a scammer called and convinced me to send them some money. At the time I was in active rebellion against God. He was asking me to do something I thought I couldn’t do and refused to even try. He spent an entire day asking me to submit, but I refused. In fact I told God, “I WILL not do this.” I left the security and protection and opened a door for the enemy to deceive me. The second I hung up the call, I knew I had been deceived. It was like a veil had been lifted from my brain, and clarity came. Sadly, it was too late to turn back. 

The next day, the Lord revealed to Brett and I that I was in rebellion. I immediately repented, and I could feel the door closing to the enemy’s access to me. The Lord told me then that he would give us back the money the enemy stole. I reported this fraud to my bank, and they came back basically saying, “Too bad. So sad. We aren’t going to give you any money back.” Still, I trusted God to give us back the money in some way. I chose to stand on faith of what I could not see and trust God would do exactly as he said. 

Fast forward five months. We were about to go on our annual vacation with Brett’s family. We received a check in the mail from our bank along with a letter that essentially said, “Here is the money back from the scammer.” God indeed returned every penny back to us. 

Satan’s Mode of Operations

Satan loves to deceive people because if he can make a person believe a lie, he has better access to control them. Lots of times he uses fear as a way to deceive people. If people are afraid, they have less ability to see the problem for what it really is and find a reasonable solution. 

A Look At The Past

Take a look at World War II. Satan used Hitler and others to instill fear of the Jewish people. He convinced them that the Jewish people were dangerous and must be segregated and eventually murdered. Fear led neighbors and friends to turn their back on their Jewish counterparts, and even turn them into the government. Fear led others to kill millions of Jews. “I was just obeying orders,” was the response of these murderers when asked how they could possibly be so cruel. The fact is they were deceived. They were afraid. In the end, the very people who Satan used to deceive others took their own lives out of fear of punishment. Satan convinced these people that death was the only answer — another deception.  

The Great Deception Of Today

For the past two years the world has been under great deception. We now know that Covid-19 was purposely released by a Chinese laboratory. We know it was never really all that dangerous if treated with the correct medications and vitamins. It has been made clear that the protocols of treating this virus with Remdesivir is what really kills people. There are many things that have been revealed that unveil the deception perpetuated on society. 

The proponents of this deception used the fear of death to force people to make choices they would have never made if not placed in a state of fear. These workers of evil caused a pandemic of fear and control. They caused neighbors, friends, and relatives to turn on each other. In some cases these counterparts turned these once friendly people into the government to be fined for not obeying and bowing down to the fear and control. 

Things Started To Unravel

Once the deception was in full swing, people were afraid of leaving their homes, getting groceries, or doing any number of normal things we as a society do. The thing is, if you were watching carefully, you could see where the deception started falling apart. After a while people were tired of being told they couldn’t leave their homes. Things eventually had to reopen or people would have literally gone crazy. We are not created to be isolated. God created us to be in community, and even the people who work for evil agendas know this. 

So things started to gradually reopen. What was allowed to be reopened first is where this narrative really started falling apart. The “experts” told us it was way too dangerous to go to church. Even singing was said to be a danger to everyone inside the building. However, do you know what was perfectly safe to open? Strip clubs. Yes, we could gather around in strip clubs all we wanted. However, gathering for church was not only dangerous, but against the law in many places. 

What Was The Reasoning?

Why would going to church be so dangerous? Why would worshiping God be considered risky behavior? Many scholars believe Lucifer was the worship angel in Heaven before his rebellion. I’m sure it infuriates him to hear us sing praises to God. He wants to control us and prevent us from connecting with God and other Christians. His desire is to rob us of growing in our relationship with God, and isolate us so he can fill our minds with more fear. The more fear he can convince us is there, the more control he has over what we do. 

Some people decided the “risk” of meeting for church was worth it. These people were starting to wake up from the deceit. What they discovered is people weren’t dying if they met up for church. In fact these people seemed to be healthier: physically, mentally, and emotionally. 

They Wanted To Keep Control

What did the people who wanted to perpetuate this deception and control do? They started to make truth tellers sound crazy. They deemed the treatments as myths and “horse paste.” This same medicine that has been used for decades on people to treat all sorts of things suddenly became something used only on horses. It was crazy to think this lie would work on the masses, yet it did. Why? It worked because the deception had already been ingrained in most people that this is a deadly virus with no real treatment. People were already believing a lie, and so coming up with another lie to keep the control was relatively easy. 

The “Magic” Solution

Then came the “magic” shot that would allow everyone to return to life as normal. If you took this shot you would be almost 100% immune to this deadly virus, they told us. People rushed out in masses to get this shot. The only problem was there was only a small amount of this magic solution, so the most vulnerable could have it. Was there really only a small amount of this shot available? I don’t know, but I do suspect this was another lie to make people want to fight for this shot. 

Of course, we later find out that nobody is 100% immune from getting Covid-19 if they took this shot. We now are starting to realize this shot acutally makes your immune system weaker, not stronger. The people going to hospitals with Covid-19 are generally the people who took the shot, not the other way around. Why get a shot that doesn’t do what they advertise it to do? 

There was great motivation for the agents of evil to maintain a level of fear over the masses. We know the real goal was for 100% of humanity to take this shot. Not just this one time, but over and over and over. As you know, they did eventually make this shot available to everyone and encouraged all of us to go out and “do our part.” Many people did, but there was still a large part of people who refused to run out and get a shot that is still experimental at best. 

Not Everyone Complied

Now is when the story got really interesting. The proponents of this great deception simply could not understand why so many of us refused to take their “magic bullet.” Money and prizes motivate people, so they tried that. “Go get your shot and we will pay you $100!” Still this didn’t work as well as they hoped. What was the next mode of operation? They started threatening people would lose their jobs if they refused to take this shot. Many people we know were threatened by this newest tactic, including Brett. Thankfully, here in America this went against our Constitution and was taken away. 

Mark Of The Beast?

In some countries, such as Israel, people were told they couldn’t even go to the grocery store or any place in public without proof of the shot. This sounds eerily familiar to the prophecy in Revelation regarding the Mark of the Beast. “Also it (the Beast/Antichrist) causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name.” Revelation‬ ‭13:16-17‬ (‭ESV) (emphasis added)‬‬

Now, I’m not saying this shot is the Mark of the Beast, but it sure is a predecessor of it. People will be deceived during the time when the Antichrist rules to get his mark, and people have been deceived now to get this shot lest they risk not being able to keep their job or go shopping for necessities.   

The Side Effects

Why were they so determined that everyone, everywhere got this shot? Enough time has gone by and we now know quite a bit about this shot as well. We now know these shots cause blood clots and enlarged hearts, which often result in people going into cardiac arrest and dying, along with many other possible side effects. There have been reports of nanobots inside these shots. Why on earth does a vaccine need nanobots? What do these nanobots do? So far I don’t have that answer, but I bet we will soon find out. We know there is graphene oxide in these shots. If you don’t know what this is, I encourage you to go look it up. 

Now What?

What do we do now? What do you do if you were deceived into taking this shot? I believe you do exactly what I did when I was deceived. You repent. You change the way you think about this big lie. Recognizing you have been deceived is the first step to healing both your mind and your body. I believe God will give you back everything the enemy has taken away or tried to take away when you repent. Just like he gave me back the money stolen from us, he will give you back your health if you ask. There are vitamins you can take and things you can do to help your body heal from this shot. God will lead you to the right things for your body. Ask him what to do and then listen when he tells you, even if it sounds ridiculous to you. 

Above all, don’t feel bad if you fell for the deception. We all have been deceived and will likely be deceived again in the future. We serve a good God who is able to heal us and make us whole even after being deceived. Our job is to pray and repent for going along with the deception. We submit ourselves to him and allow him to heal us: mind, body, and spirit. Remember Jesus’ blood is strong enough to heal us completely. 

Prayer Of Repentance And Healing: 


I come to you as your child. I admit I have believed a lie. Thank you for showing me the truth about this virus and shot. I repent from believing this virus is as deadly as the evil people have led me to believe. I repent from believing this shot would protect me. Thank you for opening my eyes to the truth of how to heal my body. I see clearly how dangerous these shots really are. Please forgive me for trusting in man instead of trusting in you for healing and protection. ​​I come out of agreement with all lies and deception related to covid and the vaccine. I stand on the truth that no weapon formed against me shall prosper, which includes weapons of covid and weapons of this so-called vaccination.

Breaking Vows I Made

I break any and all vows related to my health or the health of my family I have spoken over us related to covid and the shot. Instead, I claim healing in both my body and my blood.  I claim supernatural health over myself and my family. I declare any damage done to my body by these weapons disguised as vaccines is undone in the name of Jesus. Thank you Jesus for healing my mind and body from the damage done by my enemy, Satan and his minions. Just as Moses lifted up the serpent for the Israelites to be healed in the desert, so I turn my eyes to you, Jesus, to be healed here and now.

I put my health in your hands and surrender my future to you and you alone. I will no longer allow the spirit of fear to control my thinking. For you have not given me a spirit of fear. You give me the spirit of love, power, and a sound mind. You give me the spirit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. I choose to walk in the fruit of your Spirit. In Jesus name I pray.
