Every year my husband’s entire family gets together in a town called South Fork, Colorado. South Fork is about 30 minutes east of Pagosa Springs, Colorado. This is a tradition that goes back at least two generations. Brett’s dad started going to South Fork from the time he was an infant. I love that his family has such a cool tradition! 

We all stay in cabins and camper trailers in a resort. It’s the only time we all are within walking distance of everyone in the family. The men go fishing, the kids play and ride bikes, and the women hang out together. It’s a time we all are refreshed right before the next school year starts again and life gets hectic. We all look forward to it each year!

A Special Year

This year was a special year. Sunday morning we decided to have a family church service outside on the patio that faces the river. Brett taught about how the human spirit comes alive when we are saved. It was so good that I’ve asked him to write it as a blog post for next week! 

At the end of the teaching, our nephew, who is 10, said, “This was the best sermon I’ve ever heard.” What a compliment from a kid who is raised in church! 

Later that day Brett’s Aunt Lori came and told Brett’s mom and I that her granddaughter, Danni, started crying after the sermon. She said it was good tears. Danni is eight years old and recently went to the Vacation Bible School at Aunt Lori’s church. Aunt Lori told us that Danni is close to accepting Christ. She has been asking questions about what Brett talked about. 

I didn’t realize it then, but the Lord told me, “This is Danni’s week.” I knew I heard those words, but I wasn’t 100% sure it was the Lord speaking until later that week. 

Whose Birthday?

The last day we were in Colorado, I woke up thinking, “Today is an important day.” I kept feeling that it was someone’s birthday. I looked at my calendar, but no one’s birthday was listed. The feeling just wouldn’t go away. I kept wracking my brain trying to figure out whose birthday it was. Eventually I had to give up trying to figure it out and get on with my day. 

At lunch Brittany was telling her testimony of having a tour of Heaven during a vision. Brett, his mom, Aunt Lori, Danni, and I were also there listening to Brittany tell her story. At the end Danni started asking questions about how your spirit comes alive. Brett started explaining it to her and gave her a fabulous gospel message. At the end Brett asked Danni if she had ever asked Jesus in her heart to be the boss of her life. Danni replied, “No.” Brett asked if she would like to do that. Danni said, “Yeah.” Brett asked if she would like to do that right now. Danni responded, “Yes.” 

Not Just Yet

This is where I piped in and said, “Hold on. We need to get Danni’s parents here. They need to be here for this.” So Danni called her parents and asked them to come to the cabin we were in.

When Danni’s parents arrived, we explained what had just happened. I asked Danni if she wanted Uncle Brett, Mimi (Aunt Lori), her mom, or her dad to pray with her. Danni said, “I want Uncle Brett to pray with me.” 

Brett led Danni in a beautiful prayer of repentance and asking Jesus to be the boss of her life. Then he laid his hands on her and prayed for the Holy Spirit to fill her. It was one of the best moments of my life!

Danni was filled with so much joy that she literally started jumping between her parents. She was overjoyed! It’s amazing to see how the Lord touches the heart. He has a special way of communicating with every person.

When Brett was finished praying with Danni I said, “The next step is to be baptized in the water. I was thinking that since there is a river right over there, and since Jesus was baptized in a river too, maybe you might want to go get baptized right now in that river over there.” Danni said she didn’t want to be baptized right then. 

She didn’t want to be the center of attention, and I totally understand that feeling. I told her to let us know when she decides to be baptized and we will be there. I personally am looking forward to that day! 

So, I was right in feeling that day was someone’s birthday. It was Danni’s spiritual birthday. This was by far the best vacation I’ve ever had. Praise be to Jesus!