Originally posted 6/19/20

There have been numerous revivals in the past, many of which happened on American soil. These revivals have always been characterized by massive groups of people coming to the saving grace of Jesus. From the Great Awakening that happened in the mid 1700s to the Jesus Movement of the 1970s, God’s Spirit has been invited to fill our nation, and, as a result,  lives and generations were forever changed. 

The Great Awakening

The Great Awakening happened roughly between 1734-1760. This was a time when preachers such as Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield traveled the country proclaiming the saving grace of Jesus. Edwards was known to point out the sinful nature of mankind and the need for Jesus to save them from their sin. He later wrote a book called, A Faithful Narrative of the Surprising Work of God in the Conversion of Many Hundred Souls. By the title we know that he was used by God to save hundreds of souls. Whitefield spent time in both England and America telling everyone he could of their need to be born again. He called himself “a servant of all.” That title tells us so much of his attitude toward humanity. Here’s the thing: both of these men saw the value in ALL men. They both preached to Native Americans. Whitefield also preached to African slaves and orphans. They both understood that Jesus came to die for everyone, not just one group of people. 

A major result of the Great Awakening was the unity that God brought to America. The people would soon unite for another cause, freedom from England. Because so many American colonists had come to an understanding of the freedom of salvation, they wanted to have that same freedom in the lives they lived. Sure, the people that lived in this time period still had so much to learn about seeing everyone the way that Jesus did. There were many Christians who didn’t see any problem with slavery. Regardless, this time in history was a beginning and laid a foundation for true physical freedom for every person. 

The Jesus Movement

Fast forward 200 years. We are now in the 1970s when another revival is occurring in America. Yes, there have been several revivals between these times, but there are too many to talk about here. Life looks drastically different for the people living in 1970 as opposed to 1760. Slavery has long been illegal; the Civil Rights movement is in full swing. Martin Luther King Jr. has already given his I Have a Dream speech that would impact generations to come. People are both united and divided when it comes to the fair and equal treatment of all people, no matter what color of skin God has given them. The hippie movement is felt all over the U.S. and brings more unity but also division. The hippies are a rebellious group, and thus are united as a group, but the people who are more traditional oppose them.  Of course, there is also great division regarding the Vietnam War. Protests regarding the war are common, and the soldiers coming back are welcomed with hatred. 

Then God starts moving. People like Chuck Smith welcome these hippies to his church. I recall hearing a story about a time when a group of hippies come in without shirts and shoes on. Some leaders of the church want to kick these hippies out, but Chuck Smith tells the leaders to let them stay. He isn’t about to reject a group of people who are hungry to know about Jesus. It is estimated that over 250,000 people come to know Jesus as their Savior during this revival. Baptizing hundreds of people at a time is common. Again, lives and generations are forever changed because of this revival. 

Where We Are Now

We are now 50+ years later. We look around our world and see protests and riots about equality. We see great division among our government leaders. Division among friends and family members is commonly seen, depending on how each person aligns politically, or any myriad of topics for that matter. People are spewing hatred for each other just because they have a differing view about any given topic. In some ways, we don’t really look all that much different than we did as a nation 50 years ago. 

There is good news in all this! Like I said last week, I believe we are in the midst of a huge, not only nationwide, but worldwide, revival. I know without a doubt that God desires to fill our land with his Spirit. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom (See 2 Cor. 3:17). Jesus came because he loved the world. John 3:16, “For God so loved the WORLD that he gave his only son, that whoever believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.” [emphasis added]. The world is a diverse place, filled with all sorts of people. Jesus died for each and every person, and it doesn’t even matter who they are, what they look like, or what they have done. He loves you just because you are you! It will only be through Jesus that we will ever see true equality. We need to first love each other the way that Jesus loves us. 1 Peter 4:8 (ESV) says, “Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins.” The hippies had one thing right, that is to love each person for who God created them to be. Just like God brought unity among the colonists in the 1700s, he longs to bring unity among ALL people in our country. 

How This New Revival May Come

What if this revival looks nothing like the revivals of the past? I keep thinking that this revival will start with Christians. Just like in Acts 1, when the Holy Spirit came and empowered the Christians to go out and proclaim the saving grace of Jesus, I think that we as Christians need to be filled with the Holy Spirit. We need that filling like we need the air we breathe. All too often I see powerless Christians. I used to live like a powerless Christian, then my eyes were opened. I now see how powerful I am as a child of God. You, my friend, are a powerful daughter of God too! Do you believe it? If not, pray and ask God to fill you with his Spirit and show you what he sees when he looks at you. Then believe what he says about you! It will change your life; it has mine! 

I can just see the Holy Spirit filling churches all over the U.S. In my mind I see church-goers having another rebirth of sorts. It will be like all these people are awakened to the way that Jesus sees them and others. When each Christian in every church is awakened to who they truly are as sons and daughters of the King of Kings, amazing miracles will occur. Boldness and unity empowered by love will be the result. We will see, not just hundreds or even hundreds of thousands of people coming to Christ, but millions!

Revival is coming. You can choose to be a part of it and help usher in unity, or you can resist it and watch as division further tears our country apart. As for me and my house, we will choose to love everyone and treat them with dignity and respect. We will choose to follow Jesus and be a part of his movement. What will you choose?