A Journey to Seeing Yourself Through the Eyes of Jesus

How to Fight the Culture War in a Godly Manner
How do we take our homes back for the glory of the Lord? What about our neighborhoods and towns? How about we take back our states and countries for Jesus? I believe we can learn some key lessons from the people Malachi was told to confront because their culture was...

Jesus is our High Priest
Do you realize, Believer who trusts in Christ as Savior, that you are a priest? Did you know you’re a part of a priesthood of other priests? We call it the Church. Our priesthood has someone in leadership, called a High Priest. His name is Jesus. He is alive and well,...

What Old Testament Priests Can Teach New Testament Priests
Malachi was the last of the minor prophets from the Old Testament. He spoke to the Israelites after they came back into the Promised Land from their exile in Babylon. His words came approximately 400ish years before Jesus arrived on the scene. One big reminder as we...

The Priesthood of the Believer
Have you ever spoken to a Catholic priest? What about an Episcopalian priest? Perhaps a Bhuddist priest? Maybe you’ve confessed sins to a priest, or maybe you were on your best behavior when a priest showed up around you. In our small outdoor church, we’re...

Lessons From Jacob: A Life of Obedience
Last time we met, we talked about the life of Esau. We are searching for the reason God said in Malachi 1:1-5 that he loves Jacob but hates Esau. Today we are going to look at the life of Jacob. We will discover why God told me that Jacob is the son of holiness. ...

Lessons From Esau: A Life Satisfying the Flesh
This past weekend I was asked to teach Malachi 1:1-5. I’ll be honest, when I first read this passage I had questions, lots and lots of questions. Let’s read the passage together. “The oracle of the word of the Lord to Israel by Malachi. “I have loved you,”...

Living a Life of Continual Revival
Today is Good Friday. Today is the day we remember the gift Jesus gave to us on the cross. We remember the torture he endured because he loves us. Many of us will attend a Good Friday church service. There we will sing songs about Jesus, we will hear a message about...

Living a Life in God’s Glory
Have you ever thought about God’s glory? We say, “All glory be to God!” And He deserves all of it! In John 17 during Jesus’ High Priestly Prayer, He mentions His glory, and how He wants to give it away. He says: “The glory that you have given me I have given to them,...

What is the Real Lord’s Prayer? Part 2
Last time we were together, we were studying John 17. We talked about how this should be called the real Lord’s Prayer. This is the final prayer Jesus prayed before going to the cross. If you haven’t read the previous post, I encourage you to read that one first. It...

What is the Real Lord’s Prayer
In John 17 we read one of the few recorded prayers Jesus prayed. We read that Jesus would often go off and pray. However, there aren’t many of the words he prayed recorded for us. We have what we call the Lord’s Prayer, and we know what he prayed before dividing up...