A Journey to Seeing Yourself Through the Eyes of Jesus

Word of Encouragement for 2024
For the past several years I have asked the Lord to give me a word for the year. Last year the Lord gave me the word that 2023 was the year for growth. As I look back on 2023 I can see ways in which I have grown. I have learned to walk in the callings God has given...

How Moses’ Miracles Paved the way for Jesus’ Miracles Part 3
We are on our final sign Yahweh gave to Moses when Moses was told to lead God’s people to freedom. We talked about the sign of Moses’ staff turning to a snake and his hand becoming leprous. Today we are going to look at the final sign of water turning into blood....

How Moses’ Miracles Paved the way for Jesus’ Miracles Part 2
The last time we were together we started talking about the first of three signs Moses was given at the burning bush, what it meant, and how Jesus’ first miracle was a demonstration of this first sign. Today we are going to take a look at the second sign Yawheh gave...

How Moses’ Miracles Paved the way for Jesus’ Miracles
A few weeks ago Brett and I were at a church conference. It was the second time we’ve attended this conference. Last year we saw amazing fruit from this conference; we knew we had to go again. It’s been a couple of weeks now since we got home from the conference, and...

Does God Really Want to Heal You?
Have you ever thought about God’s will? Have you ever thought about what God wants? This subject seems mysterious and ethereal, but it’s actually quite simple. How do I know God’s will? Here's an idea: How about we ask Him? How about we read from His Word? As a side...

My top 20 List for Thanksgiving
By the time you are reading this, we will have just celebrated Thanksgiving in America. I love this holiday as it is a time when I think about all the many blessings the Lord has given me over the past year. I also love this time of year because Brett and I got...

Living out of the Overflow
Cherise and I co-founded a church called Overflow Ministries. We believe “overflow” is a promise from the Lord that we can live a life overflowing with the Holy Spirit. And this overflow of the Spirit is used to fill others, so that we’re never empty. It’s like...

Our 20th Anniversary Trip
On November 29, 2003 my life forever changed. That is the day I became Mrs. Brett Best. It was one of the best days ever! I have since looked at pictures of myself and thought, if that 22-year-old girl knew what her life would be like, she would have run for the...

The Three Groups who Followed Jesus
Have you ever asked for one thing from God, but gotten something totally different than what you asked for? Then when all was said and done, you realize the gift God gave to you was exactly what you needed, and didn’t even know it? I know I have. I Had It All Planned...

What Does it Look Like to have Godly Confidence?
What does godly confidence look like in an individual? In one of my favorite stories (see this link and scroll down to the section “A Step of Faith”), the Lord prompted me to pray for confidence for a man at our church. I’ve often thought of what that meant for him,...