A Journey to Seeing Yourself Through the Eyes of Jesus

Seeds of the Heart
The Parable of the Sower, or the Parable of the Soils, is THE most important parable in the Bible. Why do I say this? Well, what we read in Mark chapter 4 (and in the part 1 post) is that Jesus said this particular parable is the key to unlocking all the parables. I...

Are These Really Feelings?
This week is spring break in the state of Texas. It also happens to be my birthday this week. On Wednesday my family and I went to a movie. As we were watching the previews for the upcoming movies, a preview for the new Inside Out movie came on. The First Movie...

Soil of the Heart
The Parable of the Sower, or the Parable of the Soils, is THE most important parable in the Bible. Why do I say this? Well, what we’ll read in a minute is that Jesus said this particular parable is the key to unlocking all the parables. I believe this parable is one...

How to Distinguish Between the Truth and Lies Spoken to Us; A Look at the Parable of the Sower
In Mark 4:1-20 we read the parable of the Sower. I encourage you to read the whole parable for yourself. However, to save on time I will summarize it for you. In this parable Jesus tells the story of a sower who was sowing seeds. There were four different types...

Our Mission Trip to Colombia
For the past three years Brett and I have been involved in a ministry called Pivot. They exist “to pivot women and children globally from sexual slavery and exploitation to freedom.” The Lord has led us to the country of Colombia. We are preparing to open our first...

Forgiveness is a Spiritual Weapon
Do you remember the phrase, “Who can forgive sins but God alone?” Do you agree with this phrase? Who spoke it? Let’s go back and look: “Now some of the scribes were sitting there, questioning in their hearts, ‘Why does this man speak like that? He is blaspheming! Who...

Jesus’ Words = Power to Obey
In the previous post, we touched on Jesus’ supernatural ability to perceive the goings-on in the spiritual realm through the power of the Holy Spirit. And we talked about perceiving spiritual things through our minds, spiritual information from God Himself, from...

What it Means to Perceive the Holy Spirit
You’ve probably heard the story about Jesus healing the paralytic man in Mark chapter 2. But He demonstrated several spiritual principles that we have access to as Believers in Christ. Before I tell you what these are, let’s review the context of this exciting event....

What Exactly is Tithing?
Why does God ask us to tithe? Is tithing only an Old Testament command? Do we still need to tithe today? What is tithing? We are going to answer all of these questions today. I hope you will join me and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the truth regarding this topic to...

Word of Encouragement for 2024
For the past several years I have asked the Lord to give me a word for the year. Last year the Lord gave me the word that 2023 was the year for growth. As I look back on 2023 I can see ways in which I have grown. I have learned to walk in the callings God has given...