Can You Experience Heaven Now

Can You Experience Heaven Now

When you think of Heaven, what do you think of? A physical place in the sky? When we think of Heaven, we tend to think of it as a place we go to when we die. I’d like to propose to you that Heaven is also a spiritual dimension that you can experience here, right here,...
What Happens in Salvation-still needs prayer

What Happens in Salvation-still needs prayer

About a year ago I wrote a post called, Believe in Your Heart. In it I talked about the difference between head and heart knowledge of who Jesus is. We talked about ‭‭Romans‬ ‭10:9-10‬ ‭(ESV) “because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in...
Red Blood Cells and Salvation, the Link

Red Blood Cells and Salvation, the Link

Last week we talked about the connection between blood traveling in vessels, which are like paths leading to different parts of the body, and  Jesus being the only path to salvation. This week we are going to take a look at a component of blood. We are going to...