A New City, No Job, Still God Provided

A New City, No Job, Still God Provided

Last week I told you a story of how God’s plans for my life and the plans I had didn’t align with each other. My plans were comfortable, but they didn’t allow me to grow in the way God wanted me to grow. While God’s plans seemed scary at the time, they were the best...
God Always Keeps His Promises

God Always Keeps His Promises

God always keeps his promises. We see time and time again when God makes a promise to his people. In his timing he fulfills his promise. Just because we are in the year 2021 does not mean that God has stopped fulfilling the promises he has made to you, to his church,...
Journey Into Prayer and Visions

Journey Into Prayer and Visions

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be Solomon in the story recorded in 2 Chronicles 1 (or 1 Kings 3)? He had just been given the keys to the kingdom, having taken over from his father David, the “man after God’s own heart.” Now Solomon was ruler over all...
It Takes One

It Takes One

Originally posted 12/11/20 It takes one. It takes one person, filled with the power of the Holy Spirit to change the course of human history. It takes one person who says, “Yes.” Someone must say, “Yes, I will be the one to stand in the gap. I will proclaim the truth...