Living a Life in God’s Glory

Living a Life in God’s Glory

Have you ever thought about God’s glory? We say, “All glory be to God!” And He deserves all of it! In John 17 during Jesus’ High Priestly Prayer, He mentions His glory, and how He wants to give it away. He says: “The glory that you have given me I have given to them,...
We got Snowed in on Vacation

We got Snowed in on Vacation

We have teenagers living in our house now. As a result, it makes it difficult to figure out what they want for Christmas. For the past two years they have all asked to go skiing for their gift. The Lord has provided the funds and time each year to do so. I am not a...
What is the Role of the Holy Spirit

What is the Role of the Holy Spirit

Why would Jesus say to his disciples that it’s to their advantage, and ours also, that he goes away in John 16:7-15? We’ll answer the question in this post. In the last post we discussed the role Jesus played while he lived on the earth. If you haven’t...