A Journey to Seeing Yourself Through the Eyes of Jesus
Ancient Jewish Weddings and the Christian Life
If you have given your life to Jesus, you have become his bride. We, the church, are the bride of Christ. In the hours before Jesus was betrayed and eventually sentenced to death, we see him saying and doing things that were customary in that culture to a man...
Can a Christian Have a Demon Living Inside Them?
Can a Christian have a demon? Can a Christian have a demon, be possessed by a demon, or be oppressed by a demon or evil spiritual forces? The topic is quite controversial in church circles today, at least in the United States. In our line of work, we’ve run across...
The Enemy Uses Lies and Fear to Deceive People
One of Satan’s descriptions is a deceiver. One of the definitions of deceiver is: “to make someone believe something that is not true”. Satan is very good at making people believe things that are completely untrue. Eve is the first person ever to be deceived by Satan....
What is the Most Valuable Thing in the Whole World?
Our world is amazing! There are things God created that blow will your mind when you think about it. Then there are things that man discovered that are spectacular and may even cause you to pause for a moment. My son is doing a paper for school this week on Blaise...
When Your “Goliath” Meets the Holy Spirit
Originally posted 7/10/20 We read amazing stories of things that only God could do all throughout the Bible. When you think of powerful people in the Bible, who do you think of? Perhaps you think of Samson, who had supernatural strength. Maybe your first thought is...
The Importance of Wearing God’s Armor Everyday
We are in a battle. I am sure no matter where you are in this world, you feel the physical effects of this battle. It’s time we learn who our real enemy is. We can no longer afford to sit back and just wait for Jesus to come back for his bride. We must suit up and...
What Does it Mean to be an Ambassador for Christ?
In 2 Corinthians 5:20 (ESV) we read, “Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.” What does it mean to be an ambassador for Christ? What do ambassadors for Christ do? How...
Who is Your Real Enemy
Our Battle Against Spiritual Forces “I can’t believe I didn’t die.” Have you ever experienced an event like this? Something so spectacular in which you just walked away, with hardly a scratch? Or perhaps you experienced a “near miss” like I did, when a vehicle...
Dad, Do You Provoke Your Kids to Anger?
Ah, fatherhood. What a gift! What an emotional ride! Fathering is hard but rewarding. Being a dad has great benefits but also great responsibility. How are you doing in your father role? How would you rate yourself? If you could view yourself from your kids’ eyes, how...
A New School Year
As many of you may know, we are a homeschooling family. Being a homeschool mom is something I NEVER wanted to do. In fact, when I had babies and toddlers, I thought people who homeschool their kids were crazy. I would always say, “I don’t know why you would ever want...