I want to be a part of the Jesus Cancel Culture

Jesus you cancel all my iniquity

And give me holiness in its place

You cancel fear and anxiety

Jesus, you give perfect peace

You cancel depression

And give unlimited joy

Jesus cancels sickness

And gives supernatural health

All plans of the enemy are canceled by the blood of Jesus

Jesus, I want to be a part of your cancel culture 

So, depart from me iniquity 

Depart from me anxiety 

Depart from me depression 

Depart from me all oppression

Depart from me all sickness

Depart from me unforgiveness

Depart from me false identity 

In the name of Jesus

I want to be in your Holy Spirit acceptance culture 

When Holy Spirit fills me I am powerful 

I am free to be the real me 

Holy Spirit you give me purpose 

Holy Spirit, I want to be in your acceptance culture 

Holy Spirit you give me boldness 

Boldness to do your work,

Boldness to speak your words,

Boldness to love even my enemy 

Holy Spirit you give me power 

Power to heal the sick 

Power to declare your truth 

Power to love everyone 

Come to me Holy Spirit

Come to me righteousness 

Come to me boldness

Come to me perfect peace

Come to me glorious grace

Come to me truthful identity 

Come to me Risen One

In the name of Jesus