Have you heard of the Cancel Culture? Just in case you don’t know what that is, let me briefly explain it. Cancel Culture is when someone, usually a conservative or Christian speaks out against the agenda of the left. They may be speaking truth or simply giving their observations. Regardless, these people, because they failed to go along with the narrative the left wants spoken, will be canceled. They may get kicked off Facebook, Youtube, or Twitter. They may be fired from their job. Cancel Culture comes from a controlling and deceptive spirit. The false idea is this: just because you have a difference of opinion about something, I have cause to force you to be silent. This deception goes against everything our founding fathers envisioned when establishing our amazing country. 

While I could care less if the left tries to cancel me, there is a cancel culture I want to be a part of. I am a proud member of the Jesus Cancel Culture. 

What is the Jesus Cancel Culture

What is the Jesus Cancel Culture you ask? In the Jesus Cancel Culture, God takes all of our sinful and broken parts and cancels them. Not only does he cancel them, he replaces them with brand new, perfected parts. 

No part of our lives is off limits in the Jesus Cancel Culture. Got anxiety? Jesus declares your anxiety is canceled and replaces it with his perfect peace. Depression got you down? In the Jesus Cancel Culture your depression is killed and replaced with immeasurable joy. Sin got you trapped? Not to worry, in the Jesus Cancel Culture every sin is erased: past, present, and future are all forgotten. You feeling sick and worn out? By the stripes Jesus took for you, he declares you are healed and gives you his joyful strength. 

Yes, it’s true, in the Jesus Cancel Culture, your old, broken, self is canceled and replaced with a brand new, perfected person. Not only that but in the Jesus Cancel Culture death can’t even get to you. In the Jesus Cancel Culture death is canceled once and for all. Sure, your earthly body dies, but you don’t really die. You will find yourself more alive than you ever felt here on earth. I want to be a part of the Jesus Cancel Culture. 

What Else is Canceled

Has someone done or said something to you that hurt you? Are you having trouble forgiving them? Well, I have good news! In the Jesus Cancel Culture you can trade unforgiveness for the power to not only forgive but even forget the hurtful feelings. You may never forget what was done or said, but you can forget the feelings that went with those actions or words. I speak from experience. I want to be a part of the Jesus Cancel Culture.

In the Jesus Cancel Culture, all schemes of Satan are, you guessed it, CANCELED. Satan and his demons are canceled. Whatever they plot against you will be turned for your benefit in the end. Not only that, but they only have as much power as you allow them to have. Once you are tired of Satan and his demons messing with you, all you need to say is, “Get away from me in the name of Jesus!” At the name of Jesus those guys are canceled! I want to be a part of the Jesus Cancel Culture. 

What is Added in the Jesus Cancel Culture

In the Jesus Cancel Culture, you not only get things taken away and replaced, you also get brand new things added to your life. When asked, the Holy Spirit will fill you and give you a whole new set of tools to use. Holy Spirit gives you power to be bold and courageous. Holy Spirit adds many flavors of fruit to your life like love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. The Holy Spirit says you are accepted, loved more than you can imagine, and is waiting to give you blessings beyond what you can think or envision.

What will You Allow Jesus to Cancel in Your Life

What in your life needs to be canceled? We are free to make the choice to allow Jesus to cancel anything that doesn’t reflect him from our lives. We can choose to be kept in bondage to fear, anxiety, and sickness. The choice is given to us to surrender those things to Jesus and allow him to take those things out of our lives and replace them with peace and wellness. Jesus will never force any of us to give up anything. It’s always our choice. What will you choose? As for me, I choose to walk in God’s peace. 

 What does Holy Spirit need to add to your life? Have you been filled with the Holy Spirit? If not, it’s super easy. Just pray and ask the Holy Spirit to come into your life and fill you up. Ask to be baptized in the Holy Spirit. This simply means every inch of you is immersed in the Holy Spirit, and he is able to work in you and through you. You may start to experience visions, or prophetic words for people. Maybe you will start speaking in tongues or become embolden to tell everyone you know all about the gospel.  Holy Spirit fills us with boldness and power. It’s pretty awesome!