Originally posted 8/14/20

“Perception is reality.” Have you heard this phrase before? If so, have you wondered whose perception? When I had just turned 20, I had an internship at a large oil refinery in South Texas. One late afternoon after working hard, I was sitting at my desk, and my eyes got a bit droopy. One of the managers happened to walk by in that instant and saw me, eyes half-closed, looking like a bump on a log. I think that’s what he thought about me. My manager, however, knew the work I had been doing all along, and told me to remember this phrase, “Perception is reality.” And I have, and it has helped me in my working career, not so much in the “make it look like you’re working” way but more in the “showcase the excellent work you’re doing” sort of way. Is this a good way to live life in the spiritual realm? Is my perception of what happens to me physically, emotionally, and spiritually really the whole truth of what’s really happening?

A Lesson from Chick-fil-A

Someone recently told me about a Chick-fil-A customer service training video, where a person is shown ordering food at one of their restaurants, and words appear next to the person, describing what they’ve been going through.  Some were positive, like “just beat cancer,” and some were negative: “lost his job today and worried about providing for his family.” A person may look mad or mean or may act poorly, but knowing what they have been experiencing lately can really help us have compassion instead of offense. The proof of this training is demonstrated well in the kind and compassionate demeanor of the majority of young Chick-fil-A Professionals. Their perception of a customer is not necessarily the reality of the customer.

Truest Reality

God’s perception of reality is the truest version of reality there is.

Let’s take a look at Psalm 139:1-4 (ESV): “O LORD, you have searched me and known me! You know when I sit down and when I rise up; you discern my thoughts from afar. You search out my path and my lying down and are acquainted with all my ways. Even before a word is on my tongue, behold, O LORD, you know it altogether.”

God sees you. He is acquainted with all your ways. He knows when you sit down and when you get up. He knows what you like in your coffee. He knows if you prefer tea. He watches over you. He also knows your thoughts and what you’re going to say before you say it. Hebrews 4:12b (ESV) says the Word of God can discern “the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” God knows what you’re feeling and why, even when you don’t fully know or understand. He made you with emotions as an emotional being.

The Lord knows what’s going on in the unseen realm, the spiritual realm. He knows what angels are doing, and He knows what demons are doing. He knows the spiritual atmosphere that you have cultivated around you. Did you even realize you have a spiritual environment around you?

God knows what’s going on in heaven. Nothing is hidden from His sight. He knows what’s going to happen in the future. God says in Isaiah 46:9b-10a (ESV): “…I am God, and there is none like me, declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things not yet done…” In fact, Ps 139:16 says that He wrote about your days before they were formed for you. 

So God’s perception of reality is the truest perception of what’s really going on. 

God’s Thoughts

What does the Bible say about God’s thoughts? Isaiah 55:9 (ESV) says, “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Should we just give up then? “Welp, I can’t think like Him. I guess I won’t even try.” No, if we’re created in His image, then He created us to think like Him. This is an invitation to ask Him. He’s ready to reveal Himself, His ways and His thoughts. In fact, if you’re in Christ, then He’s given you the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16).

His version of reality is truth. Let’s ask Him to give us new eyes to see from His perspective. Let’s ask Him to show us how He sees our problems. Let’s ask Him to show us what’s going on in a relationship or within the family. Let’s seek His wisdom when making decisions. Let’s pray and ask Him to guide us into all truth by His Spirit. Let’s look upon the One who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14:6).


Here’s a prayer you can pray, or use it as a springboard for your own:

Lord, thank you for searching me and knowing me. Thank you for watching over me, for being acquainted with my ways. Father, I want to be just as acquainted with all of Your ways! You know my thoughts, You know my intentions, You know my heart, and You know what I want to say but can’t and what I do say but don’t mean to. 

God, You know my path, the path that I’ve chosen and also the one You’ve chosen for me. Forgive me when I have chosen to walk down the wrong path; today I choose to walk on Your path. Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. 

I will learn what You say and what You think. Teach me Your ways, O Lord. Your Spirit is my Helper; He helps me know Your ways and Your thoughts. In fact, the Spirit searches my heart and my mind and intercedes on my behalf according to Your will. 

I believe You work all things together for good for me. Lord, give me eyes to see the good things around me, the heavenly things around me, the Kingdom of Heaven all around me. Help me to focus on the things that are true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, commendable, excellent and praise-worthy. 

You are the King of Kings, and Your perception of reality is the real deal; Your truth is the highest truth. I love you, Lord, and I will follow where You lead me. Thank You for the love, peace and joy springing up from inside me right now through Your Spirit! 

In Jesus’ Name, Amen!