Originally posted 8/27/20

As parents we do the best we can to protect our children. Unfortunately, sometimes we make a choice that has a lasting negative effect on them. Last October my family and I wanted to watch a movie. Brett found a movie he thought would be good, and started playing it. I have a tendency to fall asleep when I watch movies, and this particular time was no different. For some reason (um, God) I woke up and there was some strange stuff going on. It took me a minute to figure out what was going on, and actually I never quite figured it all out. All I knew was this movie was giving me bad feelings in my spirit. I told my family they had to turn it off, and by this time Brett was coming to the same conclusion. That night Ashlynn was terrified. We talked with her and prayed with her. We even made up a happy ending to the scary movie. It took awhile, but she finally went to sleep. 

After that first night, things seemed to be back to normal for Ashlynn. However, a few weeks later she came back into our room after she was kissed goodnight crying that she was afraid. This would happen off and on for the next several months. It never occurred to Brett or myself that the movie had anything to do with this sudden turn. There was just enough time between watching the movie and her coming down afraid that the connection didn’t occur. 

Brett and I found it really strange that our nine year old would suddenly become afraid of the dark after never being afraid before. We couldn’t figure it out but knew that the only way to get rid of fear is to proclaim truth. She didn’t come down every night crying and would even go several weeks between letting us know she was afraid. We would think that she was all good, and then suddenly she would come down crying again. 

One night I was praying and asking God what I should do. We felt like we had tried everything, and fear was just not leaving our little girl alone. The Lord told me to do two things: 1. Find a Bible verse for her to claim over herself every night. 2. After we do our family Bible study and prayer time, take her to my room, lay down with her and listen to some praise and worship music. So we did just that. I found Proverbs 3:24 for her to pray over herself each night and we would listen to worship music until she felt mentally ready for bed. I figured we would do this for a week or two and then she would be good. A month later and we weren’t any closer to her going to bed without listening to music with me first. While I enjoyed the time with her, I wanted her to conquer fear once and for all. 

Earlier this year Brett and Ashlynn were talking about her fear, and it came out that she had been struggling with fear since we watched that movie back in October. We now had a root cause for this fear. Brett asked her to forgive him for allowing those images into her mind. They prayed a prayer of forgiveness together. Forgiveness was one of the main keys to conquering this fear once and for all. 

Several mornings later Brett was praying with some guys, and he had this incredible vision, recording it soon afterwards:

“During prayer, [in my mind’s eye or imagination] I went through the door out front and met Jesus. We hugged, and I said let’s walk. He had a concerned look and had a stem of a flower he was holding, and he would periodically pick off the petals as we walked. He indicated that he was concerned about the money that he was going to give us this year. We walked a little further, and I was starting to wonder who this person really was because he wasn’t sounding like Jesus.  Suddenly, as my suspicions grew, he turned into a black dragon with some red on his back and a face that resembled a cartoon dragon seen in some celebrations. I was stunned, and, having no fear whatsoever, thought, “What just happened?”  Then like lightning, the Real Jesus flew down from above with knee downward and sword drawn. He beheaded the beast while in the air and landed knee-down on the pavement while everything kind of rippled from that point.  Then He came over to walk with me. He told me about imposters, and I was thinking, “How could I mistake that beast for Jesus?” There were clues: concern, picking apart a flower, lack of joy, worry, hints of guilt. The Real Jesus is full of love, compassion, and has a wonderful sense of adventure.”

Brett came and told me this vision that morning, and I instantly knew the dragon was the spirit of fear that had been torturing Ashlynn all these months. I told Brett he had to tell her this vision, the kid-friendly version of course. I then explained the meaning, and Ashlynn lit up with excitement. That night she told me she didn’t need to listen to worship music anymore, and from that night on, she has gone to bed herself like she did before that awful movie came into our lives. Thank you Jesus for conquering Ashlynn’s fear!

Ashlynn wanted to tell her her side of the story. Below you can read what she wrote regarding conquering her fear. 

“I used to be afraid at night but now I’m not because my dad, my mom, and I did something and now I’m not afraid anymore. I am going to tell you what my mom, my dad, and I did that made me not afraid anymore, but first I’m going to tell you something. The reason why I got afraid is because I was strong with God but Satan made me afraid with bad images in my head and bad memories I remembered. But we fixed that! What we did is: I read a Bible verse that said “When I lie down I will not be afraid, when I lie down my sleep will be sweet.” Proverbs 3:24 (ESV) After I said that I prayed. When I was done doing those two things my mom and I laid in her bed and listened to one or two worship songs. Then I went to bed. My mom also told me to say: “Dear God please protect me because I’m afraid, and I will trust in you. I know you are here and nothing can scare me.” So when I get a little bit afraid I say those two things and tell myself that there is nothing to be afraid about. And that sure did work!”

My husband and I see three major takeaways. First, Jesus has the power in your situation to change everything.  When he shows up, things move, things change, people are saved and healed and delivered. Second, God gives us the power to tell fear to leave us alone. When we stand in that authority, fear will leave. Why didn’t fear leave for good the first time Ashlynn, Brett, and I stood in authority and told it to leave? The reason is the third lesson learned. I don’t believe that Ashlynn was secretly holding resentment toward her father; however, forgiveness needed to be asked and given for fear to be forever taken care of by Jesus. The forgiveness of Jesus is the key to pretty much everything in life. Need a relationship healed? Forgiveness is the key. Need physical healing? Forgiveness is likely the key. Need an oppressive spirit to leave you alone? Forgiveness is again likely the key. Remember, we forgive because Jesus has forgiven us. I encourage you to ask God who you need to forgive. When that person comes to mind, declare forgiveness toward them and pray blessings over them. It will radically change your life!