It’s Time To Stand For Truth

It’s Time To Stand For Truth

A few weeks ago my oldest daughter and I attended a Faith, Family, and Freedom Forum put on by Texas Values. Texas Values is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to “preserve and advance a culture of family values in the state of Texas.” They “stand for biblical,...
You Are Free To Choose Jesus

You Are Free To Choose Jesus

Over the past few weeks we have discussed many of the ways Jesus sets us free. We’ve talked about how Jesus not only sets us free from sin, but also gives us the freedom to be thankful in all situations, freedom to live a life of boldness, and be exactly who he...
Free to be Who God Created You to Be

Free to be Who God Created You to Be

One of the best freedoms Jesus gives us is to be free to be exactly who he created us to be. This is a lesson I have been learning over the past several years. It’s for this reason my motto for this blog is “Seeing yourself through the eyes of Jesus.” It is my desire...
You Are Free To Be Bold and Courageous

You Are Free To Be Bold and Courageous

In the past few weeks we have learned that Jesus came to set you free from sin and to give you freedom to be thankful in all circumstances. Today we are going to talk about another aspect of freedom Jesus has given you. He came to set you free from fear and give you...