Does God Really Want to Heal You?

Does God Really Want to Heal You?

Have you ever thought about God’s will? Have you ever thought about what God wants? This subject seems mysterious and ethereal, but it’s actually quite simple. How do I know God’s will? Here’s an idea: How about we ask Him? How about we read from His Word? As a...
Living out of the Overflow

Living out of the Overflow

Cherise and I co-founded a church called Overflow Ministries. We believe “overflow” is a promise from the Lord that we can live a life overflowing with the Holy Spirit. And this overflow of the Spirit is used to fill others, so that we’re never empty.  It’s like...
The Three Groups who Followed Jesus

The Three Groups who Followed Jesus

Have you ever asked for one thing from God, but gotten something totally different than what you asked for? Then when all was said and done, you realize the gift God gave to you was exactly what you needed, and didn’t even know it? I know I have.  I Had It All Planned...
What Happens When Jesus Shows Up

What Happens When Jesus Shows Up

Great things happen when Jesus shows up. Today we are going to look at Mark 1:14-39 and look at some of the things that happened when Jesus showed up after being baptized and tempted.  The Kingdom Of God Comes First, the Kingdom of God comes to our world. Mark 1:14-15...
Why do we Need 3 Baptisms?

Why do we Need 3 Baptisms?

Over the past several posts we have been talking about the three types of baptisms a follower of Jesus should go through. As I was diving into these and writing these posts, I started to wonder why we need to go through three different baptisms. So I asked the Lord...