

Originally posted 4/3/20 “Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” ‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭3:17‬ ‭ESV‬‬ This verse has been on my mind for several months. Specifically the end, “…where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is...
God says, “I’m Making All Things New.”

God says, “I’m Making All Things New.”

Originally posted 3/27/20 God loves to wake me up between 4:30 and 5am! To be honest, I don’t love waking up that early, but since it happens frequently, I decided to take advantage of it and pray. One morning this week I was awake at 5am praying for my extended...
Peace in the Storm

Peace in the Storm

Originally posted 3/20/20 Brett and I went to the store the other day. We needed a few items to get us through the week. You know, the normals: meat, milk, toilet paper; just things we use everyday. I heard that there was a toilet paper shortage, and that people were...
Rejection Leads to What? Part 2

Rejection Leads to What? Part 2

Originally posted 3/13/20 Last week I told you a story about how rejection turned to insecurity, and insecurity turned into pride in my life. This week I want to show you how two different guys in the Bible dealt with rejection. The first guy allowed the root of...
Rejection Leads to What? Part 1

Rejection Leads to What? Part 1

Originally posted 3/6/20 At some point we are all faced with the sting of rejection. Rejection may come from a friend on the playground who doesn’t want to be our friend any longer, or it could be a parent walking out of our life, never to be seen again. Rejection is...
Praying Using the Bible

Praying Using the Bible

Originally posted 2/28/20 Using the Bible when we pray is a great way to supercharge your prayer life. There are three ways I like to use the Bible when praying. First, I will find a verse that applies to my situation.  Secondly, I love to use a passage of...