Bully Problems? God Answers

Bully Problems? God Answers

Originally posted 8/7/20 When we start to look to God for direction and give him our whole life, we will face opposition. We will have people come into our life whose only goal seems to be to tell us how great they are and how weak we are. They may even have examples...
School is Here, No Time to Fear

School is Here, No Time to Fear

Originally posted 7/31/20 Today we started our 9th year of homeschooling. I love the beginning of the year because everyone is fresh and excited to learn new things. Well, everyone except my son. He would rather spend his days riding bikes, playing video games, or...
Ingredients to Becoming a Fruitful Christian

Ingredients to Becoming a Fruitful Christian

Originally posted 7/24/20 There was an apple orchard not far from where I grew up. Each fall the local grocery stores would carry Dixon apples from the orchard. Some people even drove to the orchard to help pick apples and bring them home. Dixon apples were some of...
Rejoice Always

Rejoice Always

Originally posted 7/17/20 I have been pondering Philippians 4:4 (ESV), “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice.” As Christians we have the privilege of being able to rejoice in any and all circumstances. You may be asking, “How can I rejoice when there...
When Your “Goliath” Meets the Holy Spirit

When Your “Goliath” Meets the Holy Spirit

Originally posted 7/10/20 We read amazing stories of things that only God could do all throughout the Bible. When you think of powerful people in the Bible, who do you think of? Perhaps you think of Samson, who had supernatural strength, David, who defeated Goliath,...