Psalm 139 is one of my favorite chapters in the book of Psalms. I love this chapter because it reminds me how much God the Father loves me. It talks about how God knitted each of us in our mother’s womb. Psalm 139 reminds us that we are “fearfully and wonderfully made.” Today I want to take a look at one verse that has shaped the way I pray. 

‭‭Psalm‬ ‭139‬:‭16‬ ‭(ESV) says, “Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them.” Did you know God has written a book all about you? I imagine my book is called “The Life of Cherise Best: My Masterpiece.” Your book has a unique title that fits who God envisioned when he created you. 

In the book about you, God wrote about each day of your life. I imagine it like a chronicle of what his desires are for you for each day you live in your physical body on earth. It begins with the moment you take your first breath to the moment you take your last. 

God Has A Plan For You

We hear all the time that God has a plan for us. That’s all well and good, but how do we know what that plan is? I think we can know exactly what that plan is if we read the book God wrote about us. I know, you are likely thinking, “I would love to read the book God wrote about me, but there is one gigantic problem: my book is in Heaven with God and I can’t get there.” Well, yes, that’s true in a sense. You can’t physically go to Heaven and read your book. However, you must remember you aren’t just a physical body. You have a spirit too. Your spirit is not bound to the earth like your physical body is. 

My Visit To Heaven

Our spirit is free to visit Heaven. All we have to do is ask the Lord to send our spirits there by faith. I’ve asked God if I could have a tour of Heaven before. Then I said, “I know you are a good Father who gives good things to his children when they ask. By faith I believe that you will show me Heaven.”

After I prayed that prayer I saw myself sitting on a bench in a courtyard, overlooking a stream in Heaven. A child came up to me and said, “Hello.” He ran off behind me toward the center of the courtyard. I turned to watch him, and he started dancing. He was very talented. He could do gravity defying moves, like jumping in the air and staying there while he did flips and spins, then landing on his feet. A few minutes later a whole bunch of kids came, and they had a dance party. They were all having so much fun! I enjoyed watching them as they played like kids should do. 

The same kid walked over to me and asked if I wanted to see what school was like there. I said yes. We walked over to a circular area with an outdoor amphitheater, and a chalkboard appeared on the stage. I had an understanding that this is where they do a portion of their classroom training. It was so nice being outside in the perfect weather. I could imagine it was a fun place to learn. 

First Part Of Their Education

Then I was shown that this is just one of the places they have school. Other places were utilized for education as well. They go to the courthouse to be taught justice by God the Father. They go out to fields or houses and hear the stories of the Bible. I saw them listening intently to Jesus out in a field, and then they went to Moses’ house to hear about the crossing of the Red Sea. As Moses recounted the miraculous story, everyone could see it happen in real time too, like a 3D movie playing in the air.

Then the kid told me that they each take tests to see where they have talents and what areas they excel in. Then they work on those skills. I saw a training center for warriors, complete with an obstacle course. Everything they did in training was fun and enjoyable. I watched one kid try to do the course. He eventually got knocked off by a huge hammer contraption. It sent him flying in the air, but the kid didn’t get hurt. He actually enjoyed it. A parachute came out, and he floated to the ground. It was all part of the training game. 

Then I saw the healing school. These kids were being taught about the instruments used to heal people. I saw the golden liquid used to treat wounds to heal them. I saw them learning how to pray for healing. Then I heard, “Learn how to pray for people. Learn to intercede for them. Learn how to pray for healing.” That was my lesson! 

Then we went to the armor building area. I watched kids making swords. Each kid had a different design they drew on the blade. They were beautiful. 

Endless Choices

Then the kid told me the jobs are endless. I then saw there was an area for artists learning to paint and sculpt. There were jobs for everyone that are specific to them. The choices were endless. That was the end of my tour of Heaven for that time. 

You may be wondering how I can be sure I was actually seeing what happens in Heaven. The answer to that is I can’t. I have to have faith that what God showed me is from him. After all, I was in prayer at the time. You may also be wondering if I have any Biblical backing for being able to visit Heaven now. I do. 

We Are Seated With Jesus

‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭2‬:‭6‬ (‭ESV)‬‬ says, “and (God) raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus” (words in parenthesis mine). We are currently seated with Christ in heavenly places. Well, we know that Jesus is seated at the right hand of God the Father in 3rd heaven. So if we are in the same place as Christ Jesus, then we must also be seated in 3rd heaven.

Notice we have already been raised; it’s not something that will happen. This is something that has already happened. I can look around and see that my physical body is not in 3rd heaven. My body is clearly in 1st heaven. So if my body is in 1st heaven, which part of me is in 3rd heaven? My spirit is in 3rd heaven, seated with Jesus in heavenly places. If my spirit is able to go to 3rd heaven, then my spirit can tell my soul (my mind) what it’s like there. That’s why when I saw that vision of heaven, I saw it in my imagination where my mind is. 

We also know that Paul knew someone who was “caught up” to 3rd heaven. “I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the third heaven—whether in the body or out of the body I do not know, God knows” ‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭12‬:‭2‬ ‭(ESV‬‬). Besides Paul, we also know that John was taken to 3rd heaven when he was given the revelation of Jesus Christ, which resulted in the book of Revelation. So there is a precedent for Christians going to 3rd heaven in visions. 

These Things Still Happen Today

God still desires his children to have visions and spiritual dreams. We are told in ‭‭Joel‬ ‭2‬:‭28‬ ‭(ESV‬‬), “And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions.” We are living in those days my friend. Have you asked God to give you visions or spiritual dreams? If you haven’t, I encourage you to do so. It’s super fun! Also, check out Brett’s journey into prayer and visions.

‬‬How To Pray

So we now know that God has written a book about each of us and keeps it in 3rd heaven. We know that our spirits are able to go to 3rd heaven and see things. We know our spirits are able to tell our soul (minds) what it is like in heaven. Why can’t our spirits read our books and tell our souls what it says? This is how Psalm 139 has shaped the way I pray. Each morning I ask my spirit to go read my book and tell me what is on the agenda for that day. I also tell God that I want to complete everything he has written about me in my book. I know the things God has written for me to do are going to be amazing, and I want to accomplish all that he put me on earth to accomplish. 

Then I go about my day, and when I don’t know what I should do next, I ask my spirit to tell me what is next. Something will pop into my mind, and I will go do that task. Sometimes I hear, “Watch this podcast video.” Other times I may hear, “Go for a walk with your daughter,” or, “Go send that text.” It doesn’t matter what it is; I strive to do whatever I hear. Am I perfect? Absolutely not! However, praying in this way does help keep me from getting distracted. Knowing I am doing the things God wrote about me makes me feel happy. 

Now It’s Your Turn

I encourage you to pray and ask the Lord to give you his vision. Pray he will tune your hearing to the frequency of his voice, and tune your mind to be on the frequency of his thoughts. That way you will be able to see like he sees, hear like he hears, and think like he thinks. This is also something I pray everyday, and it has changed my life. I want my eyes, ears, and mind to be so in tune with God that I hear him speak clearly. I pray the same for you.