by Cherise Best | Jan 2, 2021 | 2020 Posts
Originally posted 3/20/20 Brett and I went to the store the other day. We needed a few items to get us through the week. You know, the normals: meat, milk, toilet paper; just things we use everyday. I heard that there was a toilet paper shortage, and that people were...
by Cherise Best | Jan 2, 2021 | 2020 Posts
Originally posted 3/13/20 Last week I told you a story about how rejection turned to insecurity, and insecurity turned into pride in my life. This week I want to show you how two different guys in the Bible dealt with rejection. The first guy allowed the root of...
by Cherise Best | Jan 2, 2021 | 2020 Posts
Originally posted 3/6/20 At some point we are all faced with the sting of rejection. Rejection may come from a friend on the playground who doesn’t want to be our friend any longer, or it could be a parent walking out of our life, never to be seen again. Rejection is...
by Cherise Best | Jan 2, 2021 | 2020 Posts
Originally posted 2/28/20 Using the Bible when we pray is a great way to supercharge your prayer life. There are three ways I like to use the Bible when praying. First, I will find a verse that applies to my situation. Secondly, I love to use a passage of...
by Cherise Best | Jan 2, 2021 | 2020 Posts
Originally posted 2/21/20 Last summer as I was sitting on my front porch, spending some time with God, he showed me something I had never thought about before. In John 16:33, Jesus is talking to his disciples and says this, “I have said these things to you, that in me...
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