Who is Your Real Enemy

Who is Your Real Enemy

Our Battle Against Spiritual Forces “I can’t believe I didn’t die.” Have you ever experienced an event like this? Something so spectacular in which you just walked away, with hardly a scratch? Or perhaps you experienced a “near miss” like I did, when a vehicle...
Dad, Do You Provoke Your Kids to Anger?

Dad, Do You Provoke Your Kids to Anger?

Ah, fatherhood. What a gift! What an emotional ride! Fathering is hard but rewarding. Being a dad has great benefits but also great responsibility. How are you doing in your father role? How would you rate yourself? If you could view yourself from your kids’ eyes, how...
The Role of Your Human Spirit

The Role of Your Human Spirit

You are a three-part being, created in the image of God, with a spirit, a soul, and a body. Did you know that? Take a look at what the Bible says: “Now may the God of peace himself sanctify you completely, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless...
You Are Declared Innocent By God

You Are Declared Innocent By God

Think about the difference between the verdict of not-guilty and innocent.  “Innocent means that you did not commit the crime. Not Guilty means that there was not sufficient evidence to determine that you did commit the crime. Reasonable doubt is what defense...