Last weekend Brett and I went to an inner healing training. It was amazing!!! We are looking forward to using the technique we learned on ourselves and with anyone who is willing. 

What is Inner Healing

I encourage you to go to Face to Face Ministries to learn more of what inner healing is. It is also called heart healing. On their website heart healing is described as, “Heart healing sessions are designed to help Christians connect with Jesus, receiving healing from emotional wounds and trauma, and uncovering lies that keep them from living out the truth of who they are in Christ.” 

There are several different methods used to help people heal past wounds. The method we learned was called the Immanuel Approach. Dr. Karl Lehman MD has developed this approach. I love this approach because it puts all the control on Jesus. During the training we were told Jesus is in the driver’s seat, the person receiving the inner healing is in the passenger seat, and we, as the coaches, are in the backseat. I love that Jesus is in complete control and directs us where to go. The ladies who did our training interviewed Dr. Lehman in a two part podcast. I encourage you to listen to both of them to learn more! You can listen to the podcasts here:  Part 1 and  Part 2.  

Who Need Inner Healing

Every single person on the planet needs some sort of inner healing. We all have had run-ins with other people who have left us wounded. Jesus desires to heal those wounds so we can be the person he created us to be. I have seen people who have been greatly emotionally wounded and not healed fall short of the greatness Jesus wants to do in and through them.

In fact I’ve experienced that myself. I’ve mentioned many times how I used to live in constant insecurity. That insecurity came from a wound and it definitely made me fail to do many things Jesus wanted to do with me. I am thankful he has healed that part of me significantly! I know the old Cherise would never have been brave enough to write a blog! You would be missing out too if I didn’t allow Jesus to heal that part of me. 

Definition of Heart Healing

I found this great quote on the Face to Face Ministries website: 

“Inner [heart] healing is indicated whenever we become aware that we are held down in any way by the hurts of the past. We are deeply affected not only by what we do — our own sins and mistakes — but by what happens to us through the sins of others, and the evil in the world. Our deepest need is for love, and if we are denied love as infants or as children, or anywhere else along the line, it may affect our lives at a later date and rob us of our peace, of our ability to love, and of our ability to trust other people — or God.”

— Francis MacNutt in his book, “Healing”

Wow! What a great way to judge areas of our lives where we need heart healing. Any area where we are “held down in any way” because of past hurts. Jesus wants so desperately to heal those areas of each of our lives. 

How Does the Immanuel Approach Work

In the Immanuel Approach the recipient starts with a positive memory. This memory could be the amazing cup of coffee they enjoyed that morning, or a fun time they had camping when they were a kid. The memory doesn’t matter. All that matters is that the memory is positive and there is no hint of hurt or disappointment before, during, or after that memory. For example, if I was the recipient I wouldn’t want to think of a memory that involves someone who later hurt and rejected me. Even though that memory may have all positive feelings, the fact that later that person hurt me would make it hard not to associate the feelings of hurt in the memory. 

Once the recipient can picture the memory, the coach tells them to ask where Jesus is in this memory. It is vital to have a connection with Jesus throughout this process. Once they have the connection with Jesus, the coach tells them to ask Jesus questions. These questions are open ended. Questions such as, “Jesus, what do you want me to know about this memory?” or “Jesus, what do you like about me?” The recipient asks these questions to Jesus and listens for the answer. 

I did just this part with my kids when I got home and the results were astounding. I’ve been the recipient too and the things I learned were eye opening. My kids are already asking when we can do this again! 

The Next Level

The coach and recipient can choose to stop here or move on to deal with trauma and past hurts. Again, Jesus is the driver when dealing with trauma and hurts. The coach tells the recipient to think of the trauma and asks where Jesus was in that memory. Just like in the positive memory, the coach has the recipient ask Jesus questions about that memory. Jesus leads the conversation. He knows exactly what to say and how to say it to bring actual healing. Brett and I did this too in the training. The results were life changing for me. 

My Experience

In the past there have been people I’ve been extremely close to who seemed to suddenly turn against me and reject me. I actually wrote a whole Bible study called From Rejected to Royalty based on these experiences. (I’m working on getting this available to you!) 

During worship that morning I saw a shelf with either boxes or large books on it. Each one had the name of the person who hurt me. I saw another one being added from a more recent hurt that was similar to those ones already on the shelf. I thought it was nice that I could put the more recent hurt on that shelf and leave it there. In my mind it was a done deal and I got my healing right then and there. 

That afternoon Brett led me through the healing part of the Immanuel Approach. In my vision, Jesus led me to that room. He took all of the boxes/books (I really have no idea what they were) and led me outside. When Jesus and I got outside there was a huge bonfire. Jesus then handed me the boxes/books and told me to throw them into the fire. I took them from Jesus and did just that. Then Jesus said, “Now they are ashes. They have no more power over you.” I felt relief wash over me. 

How I Felt After That Encounter

It’s amazing because I can feel the physical effects of what happened in my vision. When I think of those people I have neither negative nor positive emotions toward them. My feelings toward them are similar to those feelings I have toward a stranger on the street. It feels wonderful to be able to think of these people and not feel a twinge of pain!

I described it to Brett like a new scar that is still sensitive when it is bumped. The wound is healed, but there is still pain felt when it is hit. That is how I felt about these people. My wound was healed, but there was a scar that was still tender. Now, it’s as if there was never even a wound to begin with. The scar has been healed and that area of my heart has been made brand new. That is what inner healing is all about! Only Jesus can heal like that! 

I believe this is part of the sozo salvation Jesus talks about in the Bible. In What Happens in Salvation I discuss what sozo salvation is. Part of the sozo salvation is emotional healing. Inner healing is essential to becoming the person Jesus created all of us to be. For a long time I have asked God to teach me how to help people heal from emotional wounds.

Physical Healing Is Great

I believe that physical healing is great, and needed. However, emotional healing is even more important in my book. What good is it to have a physically healed person if their emotional wounds prevent them from accomplishing what God put them on this earth to do? Even a person who isn’t physically healed can accomplish what God wrote about them in their book if they are emotionally healthy. I am looking forward to diving into learning more about using the Immanuel Approach to help others (and myself) heal from any and all past hurts and traumas. Please pray for me to learn to act!