Love, he said would change the world. 

So love is what she did. 

She loved people with her whole heart.

She loved the only way she knew how.

She was a woman who showed love.


Love is what they needed.

If she could just show them love, 

They would accept her and love her back.

Still, they rejected her.

She was a woman who loved them still.


They would tell her she still wasn’t enough.

They would tell her she still wasn’t worthy.

They told her she was still the problem.

They would tell her she will never be anything.

She was a woman who wanted to love them.


Then he came to her again.

My daughter, you can’t love in your own power.

You must first be refined.

You must first be cleansed.

She was a woman who agreed to be made new.


Off to work, he went.

He took a little bit of her here.

A little bit of her there.

Still more over there.

Until there was nothing left of her.


Then like a Phoenix rising from the ashes,

He resurrected her,  

She no longer looked like she did.

She was beautiful. 

There was no doubt she was made new.


For all the pieces of her he took off,

He replaced them with his own.

She no longer worked in her own strength.

Her muscles were no longer hers, but his.

She was a new woman.


He taught her how to love like he loves.

He taught her to speak like he speaks.

He taught her to see herself like he sees her.

He taught her to see everyone like he sees them.

She was a woman with brand new eyes.


Now she was ready.

Now she was clean.

Now she was unstoppable.

With him leading, she could do anything. 

She was a woman on a mission.


No longer did their words have power over her.

She only listened to his. 

No longer did their opinions matter.

She only cared about making her master happy.

She was a woman with eyes and ears only for Jesus.


She didn’t know where she and Jesus were going.

She didn’t know what he would ask her to do.

She just knew that she could only work through his power and strength.

She was a woman who no longer existed,

Only Jesus was left.