For the past year I have been saying I believe revival is on its way. I have said I believed God told me 2021 was going to be the Year of the Harvest. I am excited to announce the harvesting has begun!

The Beginning

Revival has broken out in Round Rock, TX. In June of last year a group of us started an outdoor church. Each Saturday evening we set up tents and sound equipment at a local park. We decided to bring church to the world instead of waiting for the world to come to church. Even from the first couple of meetings, we started seeing God move. We had a few salvations, deliverances, and healings. 

Time passed and we started getting a few people who just “happened” to be at the park and needed prayer show up right where we met. We were able to pray for them and encourage them in their walk with Jesus. 

A Call to City Hall

Then winter hit and we saw less and less people out at the park. It was then God directed us to start going to the various town halls to pray. We went to Round Rock City Hall, Leander City Hall, and Georgetown, the county seat. During this time, God led us to some amazing encounters with people. 

The day we went to Leander City Hall we passed a really bad car accident where someone died. We all prayed for the family and the EMTs, police, and firefighters who were called to the scene. Later those same EMTs came right where we were praying. We walked over and had the privilege of praying over them. It was an incredible time. They needed a touch from God right then, and we had the honor of being the ones to give them God’s touch. There was also the time we went to Georgetown and God gave me the word for the BLM guy. You can read about that in this post. 

Spring Has Sprung

As spring came we felt God leading us away from City Halls and moving toward holding large events where the whole community has the opportunity to come be touched by God. We will be back to the City Halls as we are all called to support our local governments.

Earlier this month we rented a building and will continue to rent it once a month for the foreseeable future. We didn’t have time to do a ton of advertising, but that didn’t matter. When God is working in a place he does the advertising for us. We met on the third Thursday of April for the purpose of evangelism and healing. We had several new people show up. It was exciting. By the end of the meeting we had 2 salvations, and 5 people healed of shoulder, hand, and leg injuries. It was so awesome to be a part of a small yet powerful move of God. 

More Than We Could Imagine

That Saturday we set up our tents as usual. We had a time of discussing what happened the past Thursday. Then we went into a time of worship and teaching. As we were discussing the teaching our pastor’s wife spoke up and said, “God told me that somebody needs to go talk to those four boys playing football across the street. They need to know that Jesus loves them, and they don’t have to work in their own power.”

Brett and another guy left and started talking to them. As they were talking, there were moments when the clouds parted at just the right time to reveal the sun right where they were standing. It was so impactful that even the boys noticed and commented how cool it was. At the end of the conversation all four boys committed their lives to Jesus! That made a total of 6 salvations and 5 healings! Revival has come to Round Rock, Texas! 

This weekend we had another new guy come to our outdoor church. Long story short, he was going through a lot of hardships. We as a group were able to share the love of Jesus with him. He made Jesus the Lord of his life that day! Then we as a group were able to pray over him. Let me just say, it’s super powerful when a group of strong, spirit filled Christians pray for someone. The Holy Spirit gave each of us a word or picture for this man. At the end even we could see the change. He smiled for the first time and exclaimed, “I feel like a huge load was taken off of me!” Another amazing moment! 

I believe with all my heart this is just the beginning of the nationwide and worldwide revival that is brewing and will become like a tidal wave of people coming to relationship with Jesus, filled with the Holy Spirit, and released to go make disciples. 

Revival Has Come to California

Revival is breaking out in other parts of the US. In California Mario Marillo is holding tent revivals in Modesto, CA. He started with a pastor’s luncheon in March where 900 pastors came. He empowered them to do the work Jesus calls them to do. Then a few weeks ago he held a huge tent revival where 1,200-2,000 people came. The meeting went on for 4 days. After the first two days, he didn’t have an accurate count but estimated over 800 salvations and countless healings occurred over a two day period. You can watch more of what is happening in Modesto here. Revival has come to Modesto, California! 

It May Be Small Now…

I am sure there are other small revivals like the one we are seeing in Round Rock happening all across the country. Just like always, what the enemy meant for our demise, God has turned around to bring forth the biggest revival in history. Satan tried to make the church close down and be silent. What he fails to remember is the church isn’t a building, it’s a body. Wherever the body of Christ is, there is church. Sure, this revival may be small now, but big things often start out small.

Look at the giant redwood trees in California or the tall pine trees that line the forests and mountains. Both start as a small seed you can hold. Just as we can count the number of healings and salvations right now, those are just the seeds. When this is over, we won’t be able to count how many people have walked from death to life and have been healed from all sorts of things deemed by society as incurable. I for one am so excited to see God work in the lives of people all over the world. I am also extremely thankful he has picked me to be a part of the revival right where I live. 

Revival Is Coming to Your Town Too

So keep your eyes open. Look for opportunities to share the love of Jesus with others. It doesn’t have to be complicated. Showing love can be as simple as giving someone encouragement, or asking to pray for them. Ask the Holy Spirit to fill you with boldness and power to show his love. Then ask who you are to speak with and what you are to say. He will show you just the right person and give you just the right words. You can do great things through the power given by the Holy Spirit. And just maybe you might start the fire of revival in your community! Be blessed my friends. 

Side Note:

After I finished writing this post my father-in-law sent me a video. Granted my father-in-law has no idea what I was writing about this week. This video is an interview with Robin Bullock. In this video he talks about the upcoming revival. It is fascinating. I encourage you to spend the time and listen to this interview. I promise it will be worth every second!