Think for a moment what it means when I say worship. What are you doing? How do you feel? Where are you? I once would have said that worship is a time during a church service when the worship leader is playing music. It’s a time when I feel close to God. Did you know that you can worship God anywhere at any time? You don’t even have to have music playing. Let’s see what a whole day of worship could look like. 

In the Morning I Will Worship

The very first moments we are awake we will worship God by thanking him for a new day, and ask that we take every moment to point others to him. We will spend some time reading the Bible and thinking about what we are learning. We will thank God for his truth and pray we continue to grow in our understanding of who he is. 

Let’s take a walk around our neighborhood. As we walk, we pray for our neighbors. We will pray God’s truth is revealed to each of them, and they will each have a growing relationship with their Creator. Next we will look at nature. Have you ever been out walking and seen a beautiful sunrise, or noticed a beautiful flower on the path and thought, “Wow, God is amazing?” God can be seen all over nature. From the hundreds of different kinds of flowers to the majestic mountains that turn a vibrant purple during each sunset. The details God put in nature are astounding. Psalm 19:1 says, “The heavens declare the glory of God, the sky above proclaims his handiwork.” I love that verse when thinking about seeing the wonders of God in nature! 

I Will Worship Doing Everyday Tasks

When we get home from our walk, we will switch the laundry over. As we take the clean clothes and fold them, we will be worshipping God by thanking him for each member of our family. We will pray our children will always walk on the path that leads to God. They will never wander off no matter what others are doing or saying.

We will thank God for our husbands. We will thank God they are the leaders of our home. Our prayers will be that they will listen to God’s leading and become the men that God created them to be. Ephesians 5:23 says, “For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior.” We will thank God that we have godly leaders in our home and pray that we will allow our husbands to fulfill their role in our family. 

I Will Worship Driving

Now that our laundry is finished, we are going to take the kids to all their numerous places they need to go. As we drive we will play either worship music or play a sermon from our favorite Bible teacher. As we drive along, we will worship God for the freedom we have to go where we want to go. When that crazy driver comes our way, we will pray that God protects them and others from themselves. We are filling our minds with God’s truths so we will have the power to not let those crazy drivers get to us! Colossians 3:23 says, “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men,” Yes, we can drive around town and worship God!

At the Dinner Table I Will Worship

We finally arrive home, and just in time to make our family some dinner. As we work in the kitchen, we will worship God for making such delicious food! We will thank him for giving us food that helps to heal our bodies and keep us well. When we sit down at the table to eat, we will talk with our kids and husbands about the goodness of God. We will be living out Deuteronomy 11:19, “You shall teach them (God’s truths) to your children, talking of them (God’s truths) when you are sitting in your house and when you are walking by the way and when you lie down and when you rise.” (words in parenthesis mine)

Before Bed I Will Worship

Now it’s time to put the kids to bed! We will worship God by sitting down as a family and spending some time in the Bible and praying before sending the kids up to bed. Proverbs 22:6 says, “Train a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” The last thing we want our children to think about before going to sleep is the goodness and majesty of God. 

Now it’s our turn to go to sleep. We will worship God by thanking him for a wonderful day and the safety he provides us everyday. Then we will go to sleep and be confident that tomorrow will be another day when we can worship God!

You see, every moment is a time when we can choose to worship God. We can all live a life that is constantly worshipping God. Worship isn’t restricted to only Sunday mornings (or Saturday night) when the worship team is on stage. I challenge you to look for opportunities to worship God all throughout your day.