Originally posted 5/1/20

This week has been hard. We are all sick and tired of being at home. We all long to hang out with our friends and family again. My girls just want to go hang out at a store and look at clothes and toys for fun. My son asks almost everyday when he will get to see his friends again. I don’t know that answer.  A friend of Brett’s got laid off this week, which is just a reminder that more layoffs in companies all over the world will be happening over the next several months. I have never met this friend of Brett’s, but when I heard the news, I cried. I cried for him and his family. I cried for all the people who are suffering financially because they can’t go to work. My tears fell for the people who are now without family members because of this virus, or who have lost loved ones for other reasons and can’t have a proper funeral. “I hate this virus, and I hate our enemy,” was all I could say.  

It was in my sadness that I heard the voice of the Lord ask me, “Do you trust me, even if I asked you to give up the life you love in Round Rock?” “Yes, I replied.” As difficult as it would be, I would still trust that God has my family’s best interest at heart if he asked us to give up our life here. Then God asked, “Do you trust me, even if Brett lost his job?” Again I replied, “Yes, Lord, I will trust you.” It was our move to Round Rock that taught me that God is my provider, not Brett, and not a job. I know I can trust God to provide everything we need, so I choose to not worry about these things anymore. A third time God asked, “Do you trust me, even if I asked you to move far away?” “Of course I do. Remember how I trusted you when you asked me to move to Ireland? I will trust you, even if you ask me to move far away from Texas.” This conversation with God reminded me of a similar conversation Jesus had with Peter after the resurrection. Jesus asked Peter three times if Peter loved him. I know there are so many lessons we can learn from that one conversation between Peter and Jesus, but the take away I got in this moment was: Jesus asked Peter three times because he wanted to make sure that Peter himself knew he loved Jesus, and it was like a tattoo on his heart. Peter would never forget that conversation, even when things got hard for him. In the same way, I needed to be reminded that I trust God for everything and in every circumstance. 

Earlier in the day, God led me to Acts 1:4, “And while staying with them he ordered them not to depart from Jerusalem, but to wait for the promise of the Father, which, he said, ‘you heard from me…’” Wait for the promise of the Father. Since this all started, I have felt like God was telling me to hold on because he is going to do something amazing at the end of all this. My prayers always go to asking God to move in a mighty and new way, a way that everyone on earth will know it can only come from the one, true God. I have no clue what he is going to do, but I know I can trust that he will do what he promises. We just have to wait for his time, the perfect time! 

I don’t know what you may be going through right now. Whatever it may be, know that God sees you and loves you. You are not forgotten. Do you trust him?