Originally posted 2/14/20

They all rejected her. Everyone she ever loved turned their back on her. She thought they loved her, but she was wrong. She thought they would be there for her always, but when things got tough they ran the other way. She was such a lonely child. 

She was told she was the problem. She was told she would never be loved for who she really was. She was told that she didn’t matter. She was such a lonely child. 

When she looked in the mirror she knew they were right. The girl looking back at her was broken. She could never be fixed. She could never do the things to make them love her. She was such a lonely child.

Then she met Him. When he looked at her all she felt was love and acceptance. She knew that she could do no wrong in his eyes. She knew they were wrong about her. She was such a loved child.

He took her by the hand and said, “Come my beautiful daughter.” When they touched she was certain her life would never be the same. He led her to a stream and asked her what she saw. When she saw her reflection this time it was different. ”I see potential.” was her response. She was such a loved child. 

What he said next took her breath away. “I see a bold, courageous girl who is going to show my love to others and be used to forever change the lives of many, many people.” Boldness, courageousness, changing lives by loving, how can she do such things? She knew nothing about being any of those things. She was such a loved child.

She knew deep down that he spoke truth to her. She would become all those things. No, she WAS all those things. Her job was to boldly  show people the love that she felt when she first laid eyes on him. She was a child who loved people.

From that day on she did just what he told her to do. Love. She loved the people who rejected her, even if they never loved her back. She loved the people that others said were not worth loving. She was a child who loved people.

Because his loved changed her, she changed the world. She was a woman who loved everyone!