Originally posted 1/7/20

This past Monday I was in downtown Austin, near the university at a Starbucks with a group of friends. They decided to sit outside, and being that I tend to be cold natured I decided to go to the car and get my coat. I asked Brett for the keys to the car and proceeded to leave. The parking lot was hard to get to. It was fenced in and could only be accessed by walking all the way around to the entrance or through an opening on this big porch. As I was walking I was trying to look through the porch to see if there was an opening to the parking lot. As I stuck my head out over the awning my left foot slipped off the step. As I went crashing down to the sidewalk I felt and heard a pop in my foot. I knew there was no way I could get up and walk so I called Brett on the phone and told him I needed him. He came running out and sat next to me. He instantly prayed and asked God to heal my foot, and we just sat on the sidewalk for a few minutes. I finally decided to get up and sit on a chair on that porch. Brett helped me there and I instantly felt like I was going to faint. My body started shaking all over uncontrollably. All I could do is sit with my head down and shake for awhile. Eventually everyone else came to see about me. I was finally able to lift my head without feeling like I was going to faint and told them what happened. I then took my shoe off and looked at the damage. My ankle was extremely swollen. There was a huge round area that was bigger than a baseball on the side of my ankle. We all agreed that it was likely broken. 

One thing that God has been teaching me over the past year is that he is our great physician. I believe that God’s desire is for all his children to be physically, spiritually, and mentally whole and healthy. Right before Jesus is put to death on the cross he tells his disciples, “Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father.” ‭‭John‬ ‭14:12‬ ‭(ESV)‬‬ We all know that one of the ministries of Jesus was to heal people. So that must mean that one of our ministries can be praying over people for their healing, and expecting them to be healed. 

With that mindset, we all set off praying that God would heal my ankle. As everyone was praying over me, the song Way Maker kept running through my head. Specifically the first part when he says, 

You are here Moving in our midst I worship you I worship you

I kept singing that part over and over and over. As all of that was going on, I noticed that my pain almost went away. In fact, it was then that I noticed I must have scraped my opposite knee. It started throbbing! A friend asked me how my ankle felt, and I told him what I felt. I then told him about the song that was in my mind. We all thought it would be a good idea to sing it so I found that song on Youtube. We all started singing and worshipping God on that porch outside of Starbucks in downtown Austin! It was amazing! After the song was over, I looked at my ankle and realized that the swelling in my ankle had gone down significantly. Before I could say anything, someone in our group announced that my swelling had gone down. We continued to pray and God showed Brett a picture of this specific Urgent Care place by our house, which was about 30 minutes away. During this same time me and another girl both felt like there was someone at the urgent care place we were supposed to talk to. So, with the help of Brett and our friend, Dale, I hopped over to our car, and off we went. 

Later that night, Logan told us that when we were praying he had a sense that there were more people gathering around me than what was physically there. He said he sensed that they were also praying for me too. When we asked about how many people he sensed, he answered, “20.” It is so awesome to see our kids develop a sensitivity to what is going on in the spiritual realm during times like this. 

When we arrived at the Urgent Care place, it was dead. I was the only patient and was taken to a back room. I am a person who tries to always engage in conversation with people who are waiting on me. It doesn’t matter if they work at Target or an Urgent Care place, I will ask them about their day. So each person who came in I smiled at and asked about how their day was going. As it turned out, that morning had been rough. They all said that they were extremely busy all morning. It was interesting to watch the expression on their faces as I asked about them. Most of the people had a look of shock that I was asking how they were. They all smiled and politely told me about their day. Everyone that is except the radiologist. As soon as she came in you could tell she had had a rough day. I did the same thing I did with everyone else. She answered my questions with frustration in her voice. After she was finished x-raying my ankle, she wheeled me back to my room. I thanked her and she left, still with the same scowl on her face. However, she later came back to get me to sign some papers and I continued to ask her questions about herself. By the end of that conversation, she finally thawed and left with a smile. While there was no mention of God, and we didn’t have a profound conversation with anyone there, I believe that God directed us there to show those people his love and maybe remind them why they do what they do. 

My x-rays showed that I did not have a break at all! Praise the Lord!!! It was only a sprain, and they gave me a brace and crutches. We left and went home for some long awaited lunch. 

As I am writing this, I am on day two of my injury. Today I have absolutely no pain at all unless I put weight on my foot. My swelling is almost completely gone, and a big bruise has replaced it. God is good all the time. While I can’t prove that my ankle was broken and then healed miraculously, I can say that my ankle is not nearly as bad as it was when I first fell, or as bad as I expected it to be. A few months ago God healed the kids and I of a wheat allergy, which is another story for another time. The fact that he healed me once makes it way more plausible to me that he did in fact heal my break and allows my sprain to not be that bad. I suppose when we all get to Heaven, we can ask God to tell his side of the story. Imagine what must have been going on in the spiritual realm as we were praying! We did get a small sense of what was going on, but I am certain that there was way more going on than we could ever know!