Welcome to 2025! It’s hard to comprehend that we are already in the year 2025. It feels like 2025 is going to be a great year for the kingdom of God! I, for one, am looking forward to this year.

Every year I ask the Lord for a word that will represent the new year. Each year he is faithful to give me a word or phrase to focus on for the year. After getting the new word, I like to look back at past years and see what the Lord told me for the previous years. Here are some highlights:

2020: a year of growth. While growing can be painful, it is necessary to put us on the next level in our relationship with Jesus and the work he has for us to do. 

2021: the year of the harvest.

2022: trust my timing. 

2023:  the year of effort. You will put forth effort, and you will see great fruit from that effort. I will be your strong arm, and you will work and speak on My behalf. Remember, you are My ambassadors, created in Christ for My good works.

2024: the year of deeper intimacy with the Lord.


I feel like the Lord is telling me that 2025 is the year of change. In a way this is obvious. Here in the US we are preparing for a change in leadership. Joe Biden and his administration will be leaving and Donald Trump will be installing his new administration. Things are getting ready to move and shake here – in a really good way! Will there be opposition? Yes! Absolutely!

I do believe Donald Trump and many of the people he has surrounded himself are called by God to usher in a new era. I, for one, have been praying for the part in the Lord’s Prayer that says, “Your kingdom come, your will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven, “ to  come to fruition. Can you imagine living in a world where the way things are done in Heaven are the same way things are done on Earth? It will be amazing! I believe this is possible, because with Jesus all things are possible. 

While there is going to be change in the nation I live in, I believe that this word “change” is also for each of us personally. I am excited to see what changes the Lord is going to make in my life. 

The ironic part is that just a few short years ago if the Lord had told me that change was coming to my life I would have instantly thought bad change. I was once terrified of change. The reason for this was because in my experience all change meant bad change. There wasn’t anything I could point to in my short life that said that change was a good thing. 

However, I have sought Jesus for healing for those parts of me, and he is faithful to heal when we seek him and surrender those parts of us to him. So, now I am excited to see what kind of changes will be happening in the life of the Best family in 2025. 

God’s change is always Good

While I have no clue exactly what the Lord means by “change,” I do know that when God wants to change things in the lives of his people, it is always for our good. Sure, change can be hard sometimes. However, when change is ushered in by God, we can look back and see how that change was in fact for our good. 

I remember when the Lord told me he was moving our family to Ireland for a short time, I was scared. I didn’t really want to go. After all, I had just gotten my prayer answered to live near family, and yet God clearly told me we were going to Ireland. While this change was hard for me, I can now look back and see how that move was part of God’s plan for my life. 

I met some lifelong friends there. The kind of friends who are more like family than friends. Friends who have loved and supported me through some tough times, and likewise, I have done the same for them. My life is fuller and better because of these friends, and I wouldn’t have met them and bonded with them if I disobeyed the call of the Lord for change in my life. 

Change is a part of Life

Just as I can point to the obvious changes that are happening in my country, I can also point to things that will happen in our family that will push us into change. My oldest daughter will be graduating high school and becoming an adult. My time as her teacher will end, and the time for her to go off and discover just who she is will arrive. I look forward to watching as she blossoms into the woman God created her to be. 

Another change will be that my youngest will start high school. My time as a homeschool mom will change as she begins to take more responsibility for her education. 

I know I will always be needed as a mom to my kids. I know that these changes are good for them. They are good for me. However, I would be lying if I said there isn’t any sadness in my heart at the thought of my kids growing up and leaving the house. I am both excited and sad for those days to come. I want more than anything for them to be all who they are created to be, but it does leave me feeling a bit lost and like part of me is being amputated.

Still, I choose to trust the Lord for everything. I trust that he will guide my kids to the spouses and jobs and all other things he has written about them. The Lord will teach me to be a mom of adult kids. There are still things I need to accomplish in this life. Those things God has written in my scroll that I have been assigned to do while living here on earth.

I have prayed for years that I will accomplish everything written about me in my scroll. It’s my dream to get to Heaven after I die and see everything checked off, and nothing left undone. I trust he will show me what my next chapters will look like. Most of all, I choose not to worry about tomorrow for today has enough worries. I choose to be thankful for the remaining time I have with all three of my children living under my roof. 

It’s all Good

So, change. Change is the word of the year for me and my family. It may be the word the Lord has for you. If this is so, remember that change given to us by Jesus is always good, even if it’s difficult at times. He is with you and will guide your path. “Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.” ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭3‬:‭5‬-‭6‬ ‭ESV‬‬

The path he has laid out for you is a great and glorious path. It’s his perfect plan for you. Trust him, for he is trustworthy. 

Perhaps change is not the word the Lord has for you in this year. Ask him for a word. I promise Jesus is faithful to answer those prayers. In fact he loves to answer those kinds of prayers. He loves to speak to you, so ask him questions. This is how we grow in intimacy with him. It’s amazing. It’s always worth the time. Be blessed this year my friends.