See the Kingdom of Heaven

See the Kingdom of Heaven

Did you know there’s a realm called the Kingdom of Heaven or the Kingdom of God? This Kingdom is all around you? How do I know this? How can I be certain? You may say, “Brett, I can’t see this Kingdom, this spiritual realm, that you say is all around me.” Perhaps...
“Walking in a Winter Wonderland”

“Walking in a Winter Wonderland”

Today as I write this it is Wednesday, February 17, 2021. We have had a week of insane weather here in Round Rock, Texas. We are living through things I have only seen on tv. I grew up in the desert. Although we lived at 5,000 feet above sea level, we only...
A New City, No Job, Still God Provided

A New City, No Job, Still God Provided

Last week I told you a story of how God’s plans for my life and the plans I had didn’t align with each other. My plans were comfortable, but they didn’t allow me to grow in the way God wanted me to grow. While God’s plans seemed scary at the time, they were the best...
My Plan VS. God’s Plan

My Plan VS. God’s Plan

When I was younger, I thought I had my whole life planned. I thought I would marry a guy who also grew up in the same city I grew up in, we would have our children there, and be happy staying right where I had always lived. That life would have been good. It would...