Rejoice Always

Rejoice Always

Originally posted 7/17/20 I have been pondering Philippians 4:4 (ESV), “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice.” As Christians we have the privilege of being able to rejoice in any and all circumstances. You may be asking, “How can I rejoice when there...
When Your “Goliath” Meets the Holy Spirit

When Your “Goliath” Meets the Holy Spirit

Originally posted 7/10/20 We read amazing stories of things that only God could do all throughout the Bible. When you think of powerful people in the Bible, who do you think of? Perhaps you think of Samson, who had supernatural strength, David, who defeated Goliath,...
Revival is Coming

Revival is Coming

Originally posted 6/19/20 There have been numerous revivals in the past, many of which happened on American soil. These revivals have always been characterized by massive groups of people coming to the saving grace of Jesus. From the Great Awakening that happened in...