You Are Worthy

You Are Worthy

Originally posted 1/24/20 Imagine this scene: A young couple is walking down the beach at sunset. The air is a perfect 75 degrees. The sea breeze is making its way through the young girl’s hair, causing that perfect wind blown look. Right as the sun appears to be...
I Fell Off A Curb

I Fell Off A Curb

Originally posted 1/7/20 This past Monday I was in downtown Austin, near the university at a Starbucks with a group of friends. They decided to sit outside, and being that I tend to be cold natured I decided to go to the car and get my coat. I asked Brett for the keys...
A Lot Can Happen in a Year

A Lot Can Happen in a Year

Originally posted 1/10/20 One year. 52 weeks, 365 days, 8,760 hours, or 525,600 minutes. We all have the same amount of time during this year. I could remind you that time is precious, and encourage you to not waste a single minute. However, that is not what this post...
Welcome to 2021! The Year of the Harvest!

Welcome to 2021! The Year of the Harvest!

Welcome to 2021! I know that I have grown in my walk with Jesus over the past year. I look forward to growing even more this year! At the end of each year I ask God what the word for the next year is.  A Look Back In 2020 this is what I felt God said, “2020 is...