Praying Using the Bible

Praying Using the Bible

Originally posted 2/28/20 Using the Bible when we pray is a great way to supercharge your prayer life. There are three ways I like to use the Bible when praying. First, I will find a verse that applies to my situation.  Secondly, I love to use a passage of...
Struggles Don’t Define You

Struggles Don’t Define You

Originally posted 2/21/20 Last summer as I was sitting on my front porch, spending some time with God, he showed me something I had never thought about before. In John 16:33, Jesus is talking to his disciples and says this, “I have said these things to you, that in me...
Love Changed Her

Love Changed Her

Originally posted 2/14/20 They all rejected her. Everyone she ever loved turned their back on her. She thought they loved her, but she was wrong. She thought they would be there for her always, but when things got tough they ran the other way. She was such a lonely...
Where Does Revival Start

Where Does Revival Start

Originally posted 2/5/20 Revival. When you hear that word, what comes to mind? Once upon a time I thought of events like The Great Awakening that happened in the mid 1700s. This is a time when many people gave their lives to Jesus because of the work of evangelists....
You Are Amazing!

You Are Amazing!

Originally posted 1/31/20 You are made perfect. The moment you say ‘yes’ to Jesus becoming your savior, every sin – past, present, and future – are erased. It’s as if you never have sinned and never will sin. In Psalm 103 there is a list of the benefits of...