Why Reading Your Bible is Important
Originally posted 12/18/20 Is it important to read your Bible? How can we understand what we are reading? How can we be sure we are interpreting the Bible correctly? Should we just leave the teaching of the Bible to preachers or priests? These questions and more...

It Takes One
Originally posted 12/11/20 It takes one. It takes one person, filled with the power of the Holy Spirit to change the course of human history. It takes one person who says, “Yes.” Someone must say, “Yes, I will be the one to stand in the gap. I will proclaim the truth...

How Can We Know What Is Truth?
Originally posted 12/4/20 I believe there are certain things that all people are looking for. God put a desire in all of us to seek out and know the truth. We can even see evidence in this in other world religions. Poets, political leaders, and even men who...

Dealing With The Noise of This World
Originally posted 11/20/20 The world is a loud place to live. It seems to only be getting louder and more volatile as time progresses. I sometimes find it difficult to tune out the noise that isn’t from God. Sometimes it becomes difficult to decipher truth from lies....

How Great is the Father’s Love
Originally posted 11/13/20 God loves me! No, really, God loves me more than I can ever imagine. From time to time in life I get the privilege of seeing a glimpse of just how much he loves me. A few years ago my husband and I were in Denton, TX. We decided to go...

Difference Between Walking in the Power of the Flesh and the Power of the Spirit
Originally posted 11/6/20 We read the Bible every night as a family. We have done family Bible study since our kids were toddlers. Studying the Bible together is one of my favorite times of the day. We are currently reading through the book of Matthew. Peter shows us...

Live a Life Abiding in Jesus
Originally posted 10/30/20 One of my favorite books in the Bible is John. I have been studying John 13-16 for a Bible study I am writing. This past week I have been pondering John 15:7-9 (ESV) “If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and...

Be Joyful in Trials? Why Trials Are Important
Originally posted 10/23/20 About six years ago my family and I were living in Dublin, Ireland. We met a friend who is a sculptor while living there. I asked my friend if she would come over and teach my kids how to sculpt clay. I always look for ways to make our...

Want Things to Change? Three Essential Keys to Revival
Originally posted 10/16/20 I started this blog in January of 2020. I titled my first post “A Lot Can Happen in a Year.” I had no idea back in January how much different our world would look in just a few months. While the past six or so months have been trying to say...

Who Are You: Finding Our True Identity: One with Christ
Originally posted 10/9/20 Did you see the Star Wars movie “Rogue One”? A blind character named Chirrut had a saying, “I am one with the Force, and the Force is with me.” He repeated this phrase over and over when he was in intense situations. Now, God is not an...