A Journey to Seeing Yourself Through the Eyes of Jesus

Why Does God say Rebellion is Witchcraft
What is witchcraft? Is it casting spells and using crystals and such to gain information? Is it wearing a pointy black hat and riding around on a broom? Can a Christian use witchcraft? Is there a demonic spirit behind witchcraft, or is it just something someone does?...

Spiritual Trees Represent Nations in the Bible
Welcome back! We are going to continue our discussion on spiritual trees. Last time we talked about how people are represented as trees in the Bible. Today, we are going to look at how trees represent nations. Trees Represent Nations Israel and Judah We touched on...

Spiritual Trees Represent People in the Bible
It seems the church as a whole has a difficult time actually talking about spiritual things. Why? Why do we have a stigma as the Church in talking about spiritual things? I’m not talking about spiritual things as in salvation. Rather, I am talking about other...

What is the Difference Between Honor and Submission
Last time we were together we took a deep dive into what it means for children (even adult children) to honor their parents. We broke the word apart and attempted to truly understand the meaning of this word in the Hebrew language. Today we are going further in this...

What Does it Mean to “Honor Your Father and Mother”?
What does it mean to honor your father and mother? In Exodus 20:12 (ESV) we are told as one of the ten commandments to, “Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you.” Hebrew Word for...

Attributes of Living Water
We are going to continue our study on living water. Last week we discovered the source and a cool prophecy concerning living water. This week we are going to take a look at the attributes of living water. This is an exciting topic! Living Water is “living,” a Source...

Living Water: What is it and Where is the Source?
We are going to start a new series on living water. What is living water? Where does it come from? What is the purpose of living water? Over the next few weeks we will answer these questions. I hope you will join me on this quest to better understand living water....

2025: The Year of Change
Welcome to 2025! It’s hard to comprehend that we are already in the year 2025. It feels like 2025 is going to be a great year for the kingdom of God! I, for one, am looking forward to this year. Every year I ask the Lord for a word that will represent the new year....

Are the Jews God’s Chosen People?
I recently was asked the question, “Does the Bible actually call the Jews God’s chosen people?” To be honest I’ve never considered that the Jews are not God’s chosen people. For one, I have always been taught that they are God’s chosen people. This question got me...

The Power of Forgiveness and Deliverance
I hope you have been enjoying our study of Ephesians 1. It blows my mind to think about the immense love the Father had for us, even before we were born. So far we have talked about how the Father chose us to be sons before the foundation of the world was laid. Last...